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So....how's Everyone Doing?


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Month: Shit. School grades bad. Socially bad. Quit HG to try and focus on real life more; gave up a years worth of the only thing I enjoyed. Internet is too shit to play on - not being upgraded.


Week: Shit. Parents harassing me to work harder. They also want me to talk to me more, so I try and tell em something and they get even angrier. Dad came back from LA, very pissed, told me he'd help me with my school work.....is leaving for LA tomorrow for another week -_-.


Day: Shit. Woke up at five to drive an hour to church. Did one church service. Drove back an hour to do another one. Had a *social* event after church, which I sat and read game of thrones. Thing is Game of Thrones went from good to very bad, so that's shit too.


So TL;DR; shit.


Ty for asking tho.


How was your last month?

Edited by Monk
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