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Why 64 Tick Isn't Good Enough For Competative Gameplay

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The hit registration is naturally inferior, but considering Valve has a wide player base (largely comprised of casual players) it is ludicrous to believe they need to supply high performance 100 Tick servers to the entire community. Even more so considering there is a variety of networks to choose from if you would like to play on high performance servers and Valve freely gives all tools to create your own.

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I have personally never had any hit reg issues,nor have I seen anyone having any. I think 64 tick servers are good cause then ppl with bad aim can blame it on the server. Half the time ppl say that their hits aren't registering it's cause well maybe they missed!!

Why do ppl always assume bad hit reg everyone misses get over it.




Edit: Scratch that I have now experienced the shitty hit reg of 64Tick..

Edited by Dode
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Yea id have to agree with dode in saying that i have never had hit detection issue in the 64 tick servers. The only time that you would want or really even need 100 tick servers is if your playing for money (championships, tournaments) and even then those are almost always LAN party's.

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128 tic is not even that great I have videos with scout and awp blood even in 128 tic; the games networking is flawed because it was based on source and source engine has major netcode flaws that have been known since it first came out.



Games now days should not even have a ticrate to begin with. Why build a game that has limitation built into the code you ask? The problem is that ISP's and server companies lobby game producers in order to make games not take up so much bandwidth so they can charge you high prices for player slots and make money by you getting screwed over bandwidth wise even if you have your own dedicated box with 10/100/1000 the game is limited in itself in order to protect entities that are for profit.

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