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not abuse Jajolt Punishing For Things Not Outlined In The Rules.


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1. Abuser name: jajolt

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:44428981

3. What server: US MC trade

4. About what time: around 8pm cst

5. PROOF: i have none

6. Please tell us about the incident: I was muted for 30 seconds for disgusting the entire server

By the way, you were disturbing people in the server.

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So I was in the minecraft trade server, doing what i always do, making people laugh, making the server enjoyable, and breaking up the monotony, I broke no rules, I didnt use racism, I wasnt hateful to any player. I joked about sopping up period blood with a biscut and was muted for it. The admin responsible for muting me says he has a demo, which will show what i said, and also him muting me for it. I am reluctant to say his name just yet, because i see no reason to degrade the respect of this admin, however, I do feel he abused his power by punishing me based on his opinion of what i said, considering it isnt against any of the rules, and the entire server, except that admin, and maybe one other person was having a blast and laughing their asses off. Had i dropped a racial slur, or even spouted something hateful to someone, I would have understood. However, I never use racial slurs, nor am I hateful to players. I come in, make jokes and kill people. People laugh, they come back for more. This admin told me i was muted for being "disgusting", which to my knowledge isnt against the rules. Im hoping the actions of this admin are his and his alone, I would like to think hellsgamers isnt in the habit of punishing people because they think something a player says is "disgusting".


I will await your opinions on this, if you all share his opinion then there is no need for anything else, I will just find a different server. If however this admin was in the wrong, I would hope hells would have a sit down with him, and rectify his actions. I dont think he should be punished, as most of the time hes a good dude... but he shouldnt be punishing people because he doesnt like what they have said... if its not in the rules.

Make with the review, I wasnt the one who said the cock thing, I said the biscuit thing, and await your apology for accusing me. And even if I had said the statement you say i said, its still not against the rules.

Follow the template and add proof.

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My demo crashes my game, so I guess there is nothing there.


So you have no proof, I have no proof, you still need to fill out the template though.


So being overly graphic to the entire server population and being muted for 30 seconds for that is abuse? I understand how banning you or kicking you would be abuse but you were disturbing me and others on the server.

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I seen one other person that may have been "disturbed" and that was Azure, i assume he was "disturbed" like yourself, because he said thank you when you muted me. Every other person in the server was laughing, all of which will witness to the facts. Its not my intention for you to get into any sort of trouble jolt, its my intention for this type of thing not to happen. Its the kind of thing that runs people off from servers, no one likes being punished for something not in the rules. Furthermore, there was no warning, just mute. You didnt once say you were "disgusted" by my words, nor did you even ask me to stop doing something that isnt against the rules. As I said in our chat, if you feel so strongly about "disgusting talk" then perhaps you should push for a rule to outline it. I refuse to believe that all of hellsgamers admins punish due to personal opinions.


I heard multiple people say "dude thats so wrong" and they werent laughing.


I can understand where you're coming from but I didn't abuse, there were people not reacting positively, more than 2. So I took action to show you that if players are offended, then it's not a good idea to say. It wasn't a ban, it wasn't a kick, and the mute was under 30 seconds, when (i thought) you apologized for saying that over steam chat, like 15 seconds later.


EDIT: It is also my job to make sure that everyone on the server is having a fun and good time, and not have people upset of you creeping them out.

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