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Jinx, The Loose Cannon


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So I just bought Jinx today and decided to take her out for a ride. This is my first impressions on her so far:


She's an extremely fun champion to play. Her skills are easy to learn to use too. Her Q makes dueling fun as your attack speed increases up to 130% after your third auto attack, then can be activated again to use her rocket, which causes splash damage that can crit. Her Q clears lanes with no problems and can wreck towers in little time. Unfortunately her Q causes her to automatically push her lane as I had to hit minions to keep the boost up or when I try to poke with the rocket and end up hitting minions. Also since each auto-attack with the rocket cost mana, it made me run out of mana faster than I anticipated causing some awkward moments when I ran out of mana too quickly. Her W has an incredibly long range and damage, but a long casting time to come with it. Dealing initial damage plus a little more of your attack damage, one hit from this takes a nice chunk out of a squishy ADC. Its low cool down time and low mana cost makes it one of my favorite skills ever. It even has an added effect of revealing the enemy for a few seconds and slowing them, making champions like Vayne a bit easier to kill. Jinx's E could be considered her only escape move as it causes any enemy champion to be snared if they step on one of her three traps. Its somewhat long range made it a really great way to initiate a fight but it also deprived me of an escape method besides flash for 20 seconds. But if when correctly, I usually had a clean escape most of the time. Her ulti is pretty amazing. A lot like Ashe's ulti, it becomes stronger father it travels. When I used it, it was usually when most of the damage in a team fight been done because it deals more damage less health they have. It makes a great finisher and always got me at least a kill if I hit something.


I haven't had this much fun with an ADC ever since they released Quinn. During the laning phase, I would try to last hit but usually just kept pushing the lane to keep the attack speed boost up for duels and to clear the lane so my W will have an easier shot. It was a simple process, clear the wave, harass and zone them out with my W, and if they got greedy, snare with E, wreck them with my auto attack then tower dive them. Thanks to my passive, I made clean escapes after taking out the enemy or the tower. Team fights were a little less fun as Jinx though. Unless your team has a good amount of peel, the most you can do as Jinx is use your rockets or W. My E's range made me get closer to the fight than I would be more comfortable with, and Jinx's mini gun's range is actually pretty small. Whenever I got caught by some kind of hard CC like Sion's gaze or Vi's ulti, usually it meant the end for me since I had no way to escape besides flash and Jinx is pretty damn squishy. Most team fights ended up as me trying to do as much damage as I can with my auto attack before I get shot down. But in team fights where my team managed to peel them off me, Jinx does so much damage with that speed boost and W it's OP. The amount of damage Jinx can make in a short amount of time is amazing. She is just a really fun champ.


One of my biggest problems with her is team fighting and that annoying voice of hers (Listening to her sing every 3 minutes is almost nerve wrecking.) Shes a really squishy champ but she works well with any support. The extra CC lets her deal massive damage before she puts down some CC of her own, and sustain/boost gives her more of a kick while letting her stay in lane longer. She is an all-in champ where if she is played correctly, is extremely rewarding.


TL;DR: Fun champ, massive damage but little escape. Perfect for all-in kind of people.


Please leave comments and tips because I see ideas for better builds for her. Would pure damage like BT work or would an item like BotRK work with that attack speed

boost? Please share building and play style ideas please :D

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