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Worst Three Days Of My Life...


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For three days, i had no internet connection. Do you know how terrible it was.


I sat in my bed for three days, with no phone because my charger broke, just sitting there.


I was so bored, out of my mind, but the internet fairy came and saved me.


I'm so happy.



I now know that i can not live without internet connection.



That was terrible.

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Thats when u buy a 1 to 2 adapter for a cable cord, 100ft of cable, a knife, three end peice off of a coax. some wire ties. and a blow torch go to neighbor and reign hell down upon him. Warning this is considered a felony criminal activity, Bravo one is no reliable or responsible for any lawful action taken upon those who use the tips. Any thing u may say may be used against you in a court of law.

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