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not enough info Cagalli Abuse/uneducated Admin


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1. Abuser name: Cagalli

2. Their Steam Id: 1:4415444>

3. What server: Jailbreak!

4. About what time: 12am

5. PROOF: Funny story...

6. Please tell us about the incident


Here's where it gets interesting. No biggy, just an uneducated admin. It started as he freekilled me, due to me killing a CT while in Lr, and then turning non-red, which he still believes to be a rebeller... After trying to educate him, he still can't understand!


No biggy, everyone makes mistakes and all, but after just mearly calling him a 'noob' he thinks that's enough basis to gag and kick me? Like come on. To me and everyone else present it sounds like i know more than him?!


Anyway, i'd just like this to be noted, as he's rather rude and uneducated...


Many Thanks for reading this HG Staff,

Grintendo :).

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Copy and paste from "The Holy Bible of Jailbreak":

  • If a T cheats in an LR (IE, throwing deagle from inside of deagle cage), he is considered a rebel.


I warned you once, to stop calling me a noob and a fa****, you continued and incited everyone to do the same, so I gagged, then you continued more on mic so I kicked, then you came back and threatened me saying "You are in for a world of hurt".


I have recordings of all of this, but really, if it was just " No biggy, just an uneducated admin. " Then why continue with all the name calling?

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Cagalli, although i qualified for Lr, i did not choose to participate in an Lr, as the logs will state. I just chose to kill a CT for "no reason", which makes me red, and a rebeller. But such reasoning ran out, therefore you DID freekill me.


Because if you apologised and saw your error, this would have ended an age ago. But instead you took disiplinary (unfair) action against me, while i was correcting you of your errors.


Feel free to post all the recordings you like, you'll only defend my case. I have no regrets with what i said, i think i speak for the community when i say i won't be forced to respect a player who's an "admin" that doesn't atleast know the rules.


I called you a noob, i don't know what a fa*** is....?

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Unfortunately a demo and screenshots of the freekill and said actions afterwards would be needed for this situation. Chat logs do not tell the whole story.


Note to Cagalli: Attitude and the way you carry yourself may have adverse side effects when dealing with people.


Note To Grintendo: please post demos and screenshots and things like this won't slip thru the cracks.


Note to both, play nice its only game.

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Ok fair enough :), i thought that might be the case. Yeah i'm not one for tech savvy'ness lol.


Can you just confirm what i told Cagalli? That when you stop being red, you're no longer a rebeller.


Thanks for the time.

yes if you stop being red you are no longer a rebeller. Unless directly not following wardens orders on a normal day. In LR after red period is up the t is nolonger a rebel.

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