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Wow kicked (Admin abuse)


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1. Abuser name: Wow kicked (dont know real admin name, but Aaron told me it is HG | ThrillHouse)

2. Their Steam Id: dont know exactly

3. What sever: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 6:43pm (GMT +1)

5. PROOF: wowkickedadminabuse.th.png


6. I posted 1 time "Player Doovad voted to ban I am not Venom, 1 vote required"

to get rid of this freekiller called I am not Venom. the admin "Wow kicked"

understands obvisouly: 1 sentence is spamming, so he muted me. i tried to

find out the reason why he muted me so i typed in console "ma_say why ur

muting me". then he kicked me. i rejoined and i was instant muted again. 10

seconds later i was banned without any reason and warnings. i know 30 minutes

is not very long BUT its an admin abuse and should be reported. thank you for reading

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i wrote that shit because I am not Venom fucking freekilled like 10 people and no admin

, for example Wow kicked, did something against him. they only slayed him like 4 times

and he kept freekilling instead of switching him to t, kicking or warning him.

Wow kicked also didnt warn me to rejoin or something so that was a ban without any reasons

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You were muted. left and came back, then banned. GG. wait out your 30 min, and go waste your life some more in Jailbreak.
left and came back? says he was kicked o.O




he rejoined and got muted again, so why did he get banned?


''# Mic Spammers


Under no circumstance is a slay or a kick necessary here. All you have to do is

mute him. Muting disables his mic and type.''


I wasn't there so dunno what he did exactly, but if all he was doing was spamming (which I have never seen him do), then why was he kicked and banned?

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You were muted. left and came back, then banned. GG. wait out your 30 min, and go waste your life some more in Jailbreak.


As it says in MOTD...if you leave and come back to avoid a mute..that is a ban. Everyone has to deal with the consequences...regardless who you are.

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As it says in MOTD...if you leave and come back to avoid a mute..that is a ban. Everyone has to deal with the consequences...regardless who you are.


When all they are doing is freekilling/free slaying, and you say something against them and then they mute/slay/kick/ban you wth else are you to do? Because reporting does nothing.

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I think everyone needs to calm down..it's no big deal.


If there was abuse going on...


it wasn't for very long...without being there..it's hard to judge what was being said without a demo...screen shots are one thing, but that doesn't record what is being said at the time.


ban was for only 30 mins...


and it's just jailbreak...everyone needs to be banned for a moment from that server. :-p

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left and came back? says he was kicked o.O




he rejoined and got muted again, so why did he get banned?


''# Mic Spammers


Under no circumstance is a slay or a kick necessary here. All you have to do is

mute him. Muting disables his mic and type.''


I wasn't there so dunno what he did exactly, but if all he was doing was spamming (which I have never seen him do), then why was he kicked and banned?


You can spam blank spaces when muted, which is what he was doing. That warrants a kick/ban if needed. Owned got quite a lot of warnings to stop.

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He was kicked b4 because he kept spamming he cha with the blank chat, and kept spamming admin chat (as you see he didnt get that part)


He came back, so he was muted again.


Then he kept leaving and coming back, so Thrill decided to ban him for 30 min. Srsly, grow up, get a life, and stop QQing.


GG. /end.

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I think everyone needs to calm down..it's no big deal.


If there was abuse going on...


it wasn't for very long...without being there..it's hard to judge what was being said without a demo...screen shots are one thing, but that doesn't record what is being said at the time.


ban was for only 30 mins...


and it's just jailbreak...everyone needs to be banned for a moment from that server. :-p




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Yea, they are all vents in there and they don't give a shit nor can I do anything.


Ummm idk if you are talking about me but i was in vent because i was chassing a rebel, it says we can, read motd.


You got muted and kept spamming chat.


Also: You said it about 5-7 times, not once. Even after told to stop.


I agree He said it more then one time.


As it says in MOTD...if you leave and come back to avoid a mute..that is a ban. Everyone has to deal with the consequences...regardless who you are.






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sigh* i think theres 2 parties that are at fault here, owned shouldnt have spammed but he shouldnt have been banned for rejoining when he was kicked? granted i dont think thats abuse i think that was just a miscomunication between the admins (the one who muted him was not aware of another one kicking him so when he saw him rejoin it was a ban)

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