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Disrespect In Other Divisions


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So lately there has been a lot of disrespect going on between a few divisions (and I don't won't to point out names or whatever). But i'm hoping a lot of people look at this post and pass it around.



Please do NOT disrespect players from another division just because they don't have 1000 hours of playing time on the game your on. Everyone starts from the bottom and learns. So the next time you want to call another HG member/recruit/whatever a NOOB or yell at them because they aint as good as you, please do yourself a favor and leave the game without saying anything or just don't say anything at all.

Everyone on these servers deserve the same right to play as you do. I would hope that everyone would enforce this, including recruits/friends.

Please don't feel threatened, I'm not an admin, I'm just a member. I want to play other games besides gmod sometimes. And I would hate to see members calling members or anything of the sort, something disrespectful and/or demeaning to how the player is playing.


TEACH them- With that being said, try to teach them the rules. There are rules that are unwritten in all the MOTD's that put members in situations they don't wanna be in. So if they don't know all 100 rules of the server, help them. If you try to help them and they refuse the help and continue ruining the game, then take action for it (breaking the rules).

DON'T assume- Please, I don't play some of the games this community has, but don't assume (makes and ass out of you and me) that I know every rule by heart to games I don't play, heck, go read the motd for just PERP, and thats just 1 gamemode in 1 game, filled with many gamemodes.



Please, all I ask is that the disrespect between members/recruits/advisors/leaders/everyone to stop. Because your keeping our own members from coming back and that doesn't look good for the community.

Please pass this around, let everyone know it needs to stop, or we will lose good members of the community.

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Ok I know in my division we like to trash talk a lot. That's how we are, but it's just trash talk. If someone is taking it too far, just let them know or come to me or another DA. Either way, it'll be stopped. I've been called stuff on other games like perp (nothing serious) because I know nothing about it but I take it as friendly trash talking as long as its nothing racist (or against the rules). All in good fun, but I do understand where you are coming from. We CSGO player are pretty friendly though, you need help with something, anyone in TS3 will jump at the chance to help you with anything you might need in our servers.

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Friendly trash talk and both people know its a joke is completely different then demeaning someone because they don't know how to play the game you mastered last year. I'm not saying an entire division is doing it, I'm saying there are several disrespectful people with divisions that need to be taking care of if they keep doing this.

I understand killu, I just hate to see great members leave and others not wanting to join HG because all we do is "trash talk".

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Well written iPhobia.


Ok I know in my division we like to trash talk a lot. That's how we are, but it's just trash talk. If someone is taking it too far, just let them know or come to me or another DA. Either way, it'll be stopped. I've been called stuff on other games like perp (nothing serious) because I know nothing about it but I take it as friendly trash talking as long as its nothing racist (or against the rules). All in good fun, but I do understand where you are coming from. We CSGO player are pretty friendly though, you need help with something, anyone in TS3 will jump at the chance to help you with anything you might need in our servers.


What one person sees as a joke or friendly trash talk, someone else may take offense to.


i only see cs (both of them) doing this; like HA you're in minecraft divison. even though they are silver in csgo lol


You basically just did exactly what this thread is against.

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What one person sees as a joke or friendly trash talk, someone else may take offense to.



I understand but it can be easily fixed. If you don't like the trash talk let them know, they will stop. If they don't, come to a DA and it will stop immediately. I know I do trash talk (You'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't) but only to the people in my channel that I've gamed with for a long time now and who I know likes to trash talk as well.

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Interdivisional rivalry better be just fun, disrespect and harrassment will be handled with a very heavy ban hammer. If anyone crosses the line, feel free to tell them to stop, or if you wanna avoid drama find a DA+, we will quelch it anything faster than Superman on Expresso. I am sorry things like this happen, but we are always here to help.

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I know, rivalries are always fun. But this has been happening more and more. Even as far as gold members with admin, that aren't even in HG. I just hope that everyone gets the message that it's not OK to punish/kick at/demean someone for trying to learn. If I didn't have to work all day (im out right now due to severe leg injury, but return later this week), I would play games all day. But I have a wife, and she has a job, and there's a lot that goes on in the world that no one takes account for. I can't master every game, I can only practice till I get better, or learn what I'm doing is wrong.

But, regardless, I talked to 2 people today who experienced this today/recently. It's horrible. Should be no one saying that crap. Grow Up Please!

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I hope everyone know they always can contact the leadership if they are getting disrespected or bullied, and like ascii said we will use your hammers!


Idk if its just that, obviously there has to be proof that its happening (sometimes its voice in Teamspeak and cant be captured in time)

But I think its more like, someone being afraid that nothing is going to happen to these people (could be any of the highers that said something). Or just not knowing how to react to said situations so they just leave.

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I mean.. I think you can trash talk to people as long as the person knows your messing around.



I play A LOT of Crackhouse in CS:S. I talk smack about others because I been playing with them for some time now, and they know I'm kidding.


That's a time I think talking smack is okay.


Really what the problem is this trash talk to other division members who may not take it the same because of the game.

Either way, everyone has trashed talked one way or another. I would think that other members would help them first.


Patience Is a Virtue

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I know, rivalries are always fun. But this has been happening more and more. Even as far as gold members with admin, that aren't even in HG. I just hope that everyone gets the message that it's not OK to punish/kick at/demean someone for trying to learn. If I didn't have to work all day (im out right now due to severe leg injury, but return later this week), I would play games all day. But I have a wife, and she has a job, and there's a lot that goes on in the world that no one takes account for. I can't master every game, I can only practice till I get better, or learn what I'm doing is wrong.

But, regardless, I talked to 2 people today who experienced this today/recently. It's horrible. Should be no one saying that crap. Grow Up Please!


See what people have to learn in this world is IGNORE DICKS on the Internet. Also on his games. If people ignored them it would be a lot better. Normally if you don't say anything back to the person you didn't feed them to talk more crap. In most cases I've seen.

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I get picked on from GO but I can hold my own in it and that usually shuts them up.

But on the serious note as ASCII Said Talk to ANYONE in a leadership postion (any Divison) if you feel like your being harrased or anything, We have been here along time and know most of the leadership and how to handle it. Also Delink Said aswell climb the ladder of leadership DA<DL<UM<C<Homer.

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