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Your Best Class And Why?


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Depending on what I am doing on what server i mostly switch between Sniper Pyro Spy or Soldier. I use Pyro and SOMETIMES Soldier for MvM. Sniper or soldier and sometimes spy to spectate portal glitchers. I NEVER use demo,heavy, or medic. I sometimes use Scout when i rage because of a scout

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Sniper, Soldier, and Heavy... Body shots, Crockets, Rage Heavy.


Sniper= on trade servers all you have to do is body shot... and people get mad


Soldier=on trade servers all you have to do is lob crockets everywhere... and people get mad


Heavy= on trade servers all you have to do is be a flying rage heavy... and people get mad


All in all people get mad when I play my fav classes... :( no <3

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Well it depends what type of gamemode i'm playing. My favorite class in general is sniper because i like to snipe people and get them mad. But on trade servers I usually play soldier because i can fly with jetpack and shoot rockets from above and get people to call me a tryhard :D. I occasionally play scout when I feel like it, I also play sniper when someone is sniping me and then show them who can snipe better {Me}. I NEVER play medic. Pyro is a class I use when i feel like it and spy is a rare chance. Overall my most used class is scout with 91 hours on it. :D

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I personally main Scout,Soldier,Engi, and Pyro in Competitive play/scrims.

Scout - I have a ton of experience with Scout because I'm a try hard.

Soldier - I only play this when I'm told to if we have are main Scout

Engineer - For good building maps that are easy rush

Pyro - For only nucleus.

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The following mostly only applies to the trade servers,

Soldier and Engineer are my best classes.

[spoiler=The rest of my large post.]Soldier, like a few other people has said above can utilize jet pack to a potential that most classes can't, and critical rockets are hands down the best projectiles in the game. As for primary weapons, the Liberty Launcher and Black Box are by far the most useful. Liberty Launcher further improves the rockets, and the damage de-buff isn't really noticeable due to the 100% crits. As for staying alive, the black box does that very well with every hit from your rockets healing you 20 heath due to the 100% crits. For secondary weapons, the default Shotgun and Battalion's Backup. The shotgun is incredibly strong on 100% crit servers. and the battalion grants a number of different buffs, but the most important is the 20 extra heath and the crit immunity which on a 100% crit server is insanely strong.


Engineer is a point gaining monster. Shotgun is still just as strong but the engineer also has a pistol that can put out over 300 damage in a single clip if you aim. Because crits don't effect buildings, sentry's are fairly normal. Mini-sentrys on the other hand, is how engineer can still gain points when your losing 25 points per death. A couple of things make this possible, first off is the fact most of the time anyone you kill will drop a medium ammo pack, which gives you 100 metal. this makes every person you kill drop a mini-sentry, all you have to do is pick the ammo pack up and smack one down. This grants you 5 points, and because mini-sentrys die pretty often, Your smacking another mini-sentry down pretty soon. If you keep track of where these ammo packets drop and the status of your mini-sentry that's already up, your mini-sentry basically can't be removed if you keep placing another one. The only problem is it looks a bit like point farming, so to balance this I only play this strategy if there's skilled players on the other team.


Something else to note is that a lot of people will insult you for playing jet pack soldier.


Edited by Death-Bunny
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Scout b/c I love moving around very quickly. Also, being able to get in and out of places so easily makes it a lot of fun. Also, I've worked my way up for quite some time to get my dream Unusual (Cloud 9 Troublemaker's Tossle Cap), my Strange Professional Killstreak Australium Scattergun, and 2 other Unusual Taunts. I take pride in the work that I've done to get this far in the trading community :)

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