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not abuse Rooster Kick Abuse


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Who: rooster

Steam: STEAM_0:1:52899748

Where: CSS JBB approx 9:38 a.m. PST


What: Goku takes lead. Rooster trolls him by saying he can't understand him when we all can clearly understand Goku. Goku asks if everyone can understand him, we all type 1 indicating we can, and Goku calls Rooster a dumbass or something. Rooster kicks Goku immediately while he is leading without warning. Given that he was disrespecting Goku because English is not his first language, pretty blatant abuse.


Demo attached. Go to last section of demo, prob last 2000 frames.





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Who: rooster

Steam: STEAM_0:1:52899748

Where: CSS JBB approx 9:38 a.m. PST


What: Goku takes lead. Rooster trolls him by saying he can't understand him when we all can clearly understand Goku. Goku asks if everyone can understand him, we all type 1 indicating we can, and Goku calls Rooster a dumbass or something. Rooster kicks Goku immediately while he is leading without warning. Given that he was disrespecting Goku because English is not his first language, pretty blatant abuse.


Demo attached. Go to last section of demo, prob last 2000 frames.

Lol this is really sad.


First of all, Goku said "Type 2 if you don't like Rooster" and some shit talking after.


I didn't understand what he said after so I said "I dont understand what you just said but ok..." because I legitimately didn't understand what he said after he said "Type 2 if you don't like Rooster"


Then Goku proceeded to disrespect me by calling me a bitch and other names. Therefore I felt like the only reasonable thing to do is kick him because he should know to not disrespect an admin like that. I was never disrespecting Goku.


When Goku came back into the server he said so himself "I admit I was being mean to Rooster and I am sorry, there is no need for anyone to make an abuse report about this". Me and Goku are cool now and he understood what he was doing wrong. Which is what I wanted him to initially understand when I kicked him. I know that the use of direct power is not appreciated and I am sorry for that, I will make a report next time rather than kick him directly.


But Consuela still felt the need to make this report for some reason because he thinks I'm a "Bad admin" and he strives and lives off the fact that I got kicked out of AQ making fun of me about it everytime I enter the server. I have nothing against him but he seems to have some hatred towards me so he will do anything to try to put me down.


Thanks for reading HG.

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Do I have a problem with this dude? Absolutely. Why? He freaks out about the tiniest things; however I digress. The purpose of this report was not to instigate problems, but merely to caution Rooster about using his admin powers as I've seen previous abuses but didn't feel like taking SS's. I even warned him today, without trolling, to go to the forums and check so that he does not get banned for not replying. Instead he starts trolling.

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Do I have a problem with this dude? Absolutely. Why? He freaks out about the tiniest things; however I digress. The purpose of this report was not to instigate problems, but merely to caution Rooster about using his admin powers as I've seen previous abuses but didn't feel like taking SS's. I even warned him today, without trolling, to go to the forums and check so that he does not get banned for not replying. Instead he starts trolling.

I barely freak out about anything? Look I'm on the server to try to have a good time I'm not looking for ANY trouble whatsoever and I don't come on to "troll" other people or be racist. I do not see any racism? Why are you so eager to ban me? Don't you have anything better to do on your free time? I mean come on man I'm just another human being there's no reason for you to have so much hatred towards me especially when I have done nothing wrong to you.


Just leave me alone man honestly I'm done dealing with you.

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