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My Introduction


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I trade a lot and I have a bunch of cool items. I've held 3-4 unusuals in my inventory at seperate times. My current unusual (Unusual White Vintage Merryweather: Aces High) has no price and I COULD possibly set it to 5+buds(probably to like 10). (I also have like 20 1 key+ items like cuban bristle tricksters haunted abhorrent apendages, etc.) But anyway, thats enough for trading. I like the tf2 jailbreak server, even though none of the admins like me. :( I've played on the CS:S server 20 billion times in september or during the summer, and I'm addcted to the tf2 jailbreak server. My goal for HG is to become an admin on the tf2 jb server because i always see rulebreakers, when admins don't or they se and don't care. My chances of becoming admin are slim but I still want to become one :z I'm a good player and friend tho

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  On 12/9/2013 at 12:58 AM, Zar457 said:
@PersianSkillzz I was planning on somehow earning it :/ @Delink OK, Do you have to have the clan tags? I didn't know you HAD to @Saggitch Thanks
Well if you don't want to buy it and earn, which you even have to be in hg to do, you can always submit reports and the Divisional Advisor will look at it and either approve or disapprove the report.
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