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reviewed Isitreallypwnz Kick Abuse


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Man, I was watching him for a long time and saw he was hacking. So I just kicked him. NOT BANNED HIM! kicked him for a warning. I didn't know if I should of but a lot of people were complaining about him "hacking" so I just kicked him one time. Then I got kicked for being a "fucking retard" so I played jailbreak for a while then joined by and called him a "derp" not even trying to insult him I was just playing around cause if you know me I like to play around with people <3. Then I got perma banned from all hg servers. And I might of even lost my admin. SO THIS IS JUST GREAT! I like to be nice to people I was watching xxyyxx for a long time and then asked "The Fluffy Captain Yoshi #GOML" is I should kick him. He said YES. He is a vip to and he knew that the xxyyxx guy was hacking. So I just kicked him. Not even for a certain amount of time. Just a kick for a warning. Anyways I hope u guys have a nice day knowing you kicked someone to was trying to stop a man from hacking on YOUR minigames server. btw it banned me from Jail Break to. And that is the server I spend MOST of my day on. <3

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