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Do we get a partial refund...??


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Not wanting to be the materialistic weasel out of the bunch... but...


To the powers that be, do we get a partial refund[or a credit] for not being able to select the HG supporter skin model due to the recent changes on the servers?


I only got to use the skin for like 1 week..


-the pup


I know the power's that be have more important issues to cover...but each person has there own idea of whats important to them...


For example my top (Edit: 2)5 items are:

1. Top 20 on HG NTF office server

2. Use of supporter skin on HG server

3. Sex

4. trying to figure out what ttam's avatar wording on his shirt is trying to say... is it because women already know about his dick an thats why there isn't a woman in the picture with him? j/k ttam!!

5. what fdhelmin's avatar is -- a monster or a furless creature...

6. Food

7. Drink

8. bills/money

9. sex

10. sex

11 -25... see item 10..repeat ad nauseum...


:dj: <-- is this clip from 21 jumpstreet tv series -- looks like johnny depp standing up?

Edited by Awolfpup
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U said top 5

And there is 25

Mystery solved!


I have edited the content...I have now made it a top 25 list..instead of top 5...got a bit over zealous in my list...


been a quiet day in network support...its great when things are working they way they should be...


quickly looks around for wood to knock on...


- the pup

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So how are we suppose to move players to spectate mode when there is no option for it when there afk? Currently, i can only warn them then kick them off the server...whereas at least with moving them to spectate [3] times then I would kick them...with a warning of course...


I looked in SM_admin list and I don't see a move command..for that matter I don't even see a switch player to another team command...which comes in handy for balancing stacked teams...?


I posted some pics...


the sm_who command works and shows at least who the current admin are..kinda kewl and apparently what commands each admin has access too...which was rather disappointing to say the least...


In pic #1..show the list of admins...


In pic #2 ..shows that slay is not working for me...no access


In pic #3 ..shows no access for beacon...



These would be nice to have as admin:

In pic #4 voteban option...


In pic #5 votekick & voteslay would also be great options as well...


Now I just saw someone beacon both a CT/T in the server a few minutes ago..so I know someone has access to the commands..apparently not all...when will this be changed?






Edited by Awolfpup
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