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Human Redeeming System


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I was thinking to reduce rage quits and complaints we could offer a redeeming system for people who have lots of points. I was thinking that there should be a offer of 250-1000 points (500 would be ideal) to redeem when killed by a zombie (not humans who spawn as a zombie on the first wave). This would be good for people who die with good weapons and want a chance to find or get them. In a way it would be giving them 4 brains for points. (The system should not be in place in any objective maps "ex. Vertigo").

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I've thought of something similar and every possible compromise has been made in my head. This system would only cause problems. Nothing good would come from it and server population would decrease from simple boredom. How about we play the game how it's supposed to and not turn it into something boring and not fun.

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Theres 3 things i dont like about this:

  1. Expect more hate to people that has more points, for example "Im blablabla and i will show all the server that i can redeem with my own points so those that cant rage" (Not only breaking the game´s main objective about being a zombie)
  2. On any map, you could just simply redeem next to a zombie and you will eventually die soon, so you will just waste 500-1000 w/e pts (Making people even more mad cause of this)
  3. The "Survival" theme will be lost, as you just pay to survive anyways

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The reason people would either ragequit or go AFK the instance they join as a zombie or die, is mainly because hum-ins have too many powerful weapons, and such powerful barricades around the start of a round. Zombies don't think they'll win or redeem, so they quit playing. Not only that, with such powerful weapons, it starts to get boring for zombies. trying to go for the same barricade, and not being able to progress to the next barricade. In my onion, this all is mostly caused by the points saving feature. It has caused the game to be unbalanced. On most maps, it's easier for humans to win, and tougher for zombies to win. Even if the amount of ragequits were soon to decrease, zombies would have to try harder than the humans if a majority of them bought powerful weapons near the beginning of the game. And I'm sure alot of them would. I have an idea for an alternative to the points. I'll think about it some more and post a topic about it later.


But like what everyone said, it would be terrible allowing zombies to instantly redeem if they had the points. It would be even easier for humans to win.

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  • Executive Council

No, paying to redeem would cause too many issues I don't even know where to begin describing them all. The system is designed currently for a challenge. Already the point saving causes enough problems as it is.


Problems with this idea:

1. Starting zombies rage. They either could or couldn't redeem this way. Either way it would cause massive rage.

2. Pay to win issue. Its already enough of an issue with point saving.

3. The game is calculated in a way to increase the zombie horde. Since right now you have to kill 4 humans to redeem. Which increases the horde. A pay to redeem system would destroy this.


And probably many more that I'm not thinking off the top of my head.

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