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Autoexec File Guide (Highly Suggest Doing This)


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Hey Guys. I spent a lot of time trying to get my autoexec file working, and having gotten it set up - I can say that I 100% suggest everyone doing it.





This is important, and you will not get it to work unless you do this. Make the file in notepad, save it in the cfg folder (see the TL article) as autoexec.cfg. It is actually saved as autoexec.cfg.txt. You need to enable file extensions http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071016021407AAJ2lzo

Then you can see that its .cfg.txt and delete the .txt. Then dont open the file again and just load the game and voila!


See my favorite auto exec settings below, and please reply to the thread with any questions or hit me up on steam. Setting this up takes no more than 15 mins and is well worth it. Good luck




The following binds a key (k in this case) to toggle auto attack on and off. I LOVE this since I never have auto attack on supports, but I do for jungling heroes. No need to to go options anymore.


bind "k" "attack"


alias "attack" "attack1"

alias "attack1" "alias attack attack2; dota_player_units_auto_attack 1; echo auto_attack_on"

alias "attack2" "dota_player_units_auto_attack 0; alias attack attack1; echo auto_attack_off"


The following customizes the size of icons on the minimap for heroes. very helpful.


Command: dota_minimap_hero_size

Description: sets the size of the heroes on the minimap

Example: dota_minimap_hero_size "700"

Default: "600"



The biggest help is enabling the range finder. It shows range of spells when hover over them, and it also shows helpful range lines (hard to explain but you see it on every pro's stream) when warding/blink daggering.


Command: dota_disable_range_finder

Description: When spell is selected, a range finder is shown

Example: dota_disable_range_finder "0"

Default: "1", range finder is disabled




(By the way, most people probably know this, but if you dont: right click on dota 2 in steam, going to properties - launch options, and adding -novid to the launch options if you havent already done this. can also add -console if you want it, but its unnecessary for the auto exec stuff.)

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dota_disable_range_finder "0" - This display a green arrow for the range of your spells




dota_force_right_click_attack 1 - This one is to deny creeps with RMButton


EDIT: Need info about the command for moving the map to the 2 runes binded with a key anyone ?

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Here is my autoexec

con_enable "1" //alternative for -console. Does not open console automaticly. Personally prefer this.

dota_disable_range_Finder 0 //See the post above.

dota_disable_showcase_view_button 1 //Disables showcase view button on your hero portrait

net_graph 1 //Shows fps, ping and other stuff. see picture below.
net_graphproportionalfont 0 // size of the text. Size 0 used in picture.

net_graphinsetbottom 435 //change these if want to move the graph.
net_graphinsetright -70
net_graphinsetleft 0
net_graphheight 64




EDIT: Need info about the command for moving the map to the 2 runes binded with a key anyone ?


bind "KEY" "dota_camera_setpos -2273.898682 1232.745483 982.072876" //for the top rune
bind "KEY" "dota_camera_setpos 3035.773438 -2972.680176 966.072937" //for the bottom rune

Edited by Rocketmon
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Thanks. what resolution is your monitor for those net graph positioning settings? For instance, it would be nice to have the settings for 1080p monitors ITT for future reference.

My monitor is 1920x1080. You can easily find correct numbers for other resolutions by googling.


[spoiler=Here are some other resolutions]

Alternative for 1920x1080

net_graphheight 64
net_graphinsetbottom 437
net_graphinsetleft 0
net_graphinsetright -30
net_graphpos 1
net_graphproportionalfont 0
net_graphtext 1



net_graphheight 64
net_graphinsetbottom 422
net_graphinsetleft 0
net_graphinsetright -130
net_graphpos 1
net_graphproportionalfont 0
net_graphtext 1



net_graphheight: 32
net_graphinsetbottom: 427
net_graphinsetleft: 0
net_graphinsetright: -130
net_graphpos: 1
net_graphproportionalfont: 0
net_graphtext 1



net_graphheight 110
net_graphinsetbottom 422
net_graphinsetleft 0
net_graphinsetright -130
net_graphpos 1
net_graphproportionalfont 0
net_graphtext 1



net_graphproportionalfont 0
net_graphinsetbottom 430
net_graphinsetright -130
net_graphpos 1
net_graphtext 1
net_graphinsetleft -60
net_graphheight 64



I haven't tested them, so let me know if some of them are incorrect.

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Here; bind "KEY" "dota_camera_setpos -2273.898682 1232.745483 982.072876" //for the top rune bind "KEY" "dota_camera_setpos 3035.773438 -2972.680176 966.072937" //for the bottom rune


What are the lines to make it to go check the both runes then returns to your hero with a single key?

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What are the lines to make it to go check the both runes then returns to your hero with a single key?

I found this.

//Cycle through the runes and your hero
//This bind will on the first press view the top rune, on the second press view the bottom rune and on the third press view your hero and then start over. Note that using a different method of camera movement won't reset this cycle.
alias toprunecycle "dota_camera_setpos -2273 1232 982; alias runecycle botrunecycle"
alias botrunecycle "dota_camera_setpos 3035 -2972 966; alias runecycle centerhero"
alias centerhero "+dota_camera_follow; -dota_camera_follow; +dota_camera_follow; -dota_camera_follow; alias runecycle toprunecycle"
alias runecycle toprunecycle
bind <key> runecycle



There are some other pretty neat binds too.

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  • 6 months later...

Here's mine


bind space hardcam

alias hardcam +hardcam

alias +hardcam "dota_camera_lock 1; +dota_camera_follow 1; alias hardcam -hardcam"

alias -hardcam "dota_camera_lock 0; -dota_camera_follow 0; alias hardcam +hardcam"


This is a broken script someone tried to write and I believe I fixed; at least it now works for me. It makes the camera lock on to your hero as if you were holding the number key for your control group down, or if you were holding left click on hero portrait, I've been told it's similar to LoL's usage of spacebar



dota_disable_range_finder 0 This has been explained in this thread

dota_always_show_player_names 1 Fairly self-explanatory

dota_force_right_click_attack 1 Allows right click denying, although I tend to aclick anyway

dota_health_per_vertical_marker 200 Allows you to change the vertical ticks in hp bar above heroes; default is 200, sometimes I put it back to 100 like it was in beta

dota_minimap_hero_size 750 Also has been explained

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Here's mine


bind space hardcam

alias hardcam +hardcam

alias +hardcam "dota_camera_lock 1; +dota_camera_follow 1; alias hardcam -hardcam"

alias -hardcam "dota_camera_lock 0; -dota_camera_follow 0; alias hardcam +hardcam"


This is a broken script someone tried to write and I believe I fixed; at least it now works for me. It makes the camera lock on to your hero as if you were holding the number key for your control group down, or if you were holding left click on hero portrait, I've been told it's similar to LoL's usage of spacebar

is there a way i can use this but make it not follow my hero, just quickly move the camera to it? or is there a command that just centers your camera on your hero without following it
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Yeah, just make a control group, select what you want to be in the group (i.e. left click on the hero), then hit ctl+(number)

I.e. my basic setup is ctl+1 for hero, ctl+2 for hero and all units i.e. necro, summons, illu, etc, ctl+3 for summons etc but not hero, and ctl+4 for courier


After you set up the control groups by doing the above steps, just click on the number once to select the hero/unit, twice to snap camera to hero/unit, and double tap and hold to activate a chasing camera

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