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rejected Banned From Ts And Rust Server... Pls Respond


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I was banned from the rust and teamspeak server.


i was banned from the rust server by SBPro. I wasn't given a reason to the ban and i think its permanent.


I was also perm banned from TS by supperskrech because i was apparently "mass poking" SBpro. when youre in the "help desk" and i poke you, you'd think you would come and help. i then kept poking him a few more times but then the anti spam bot of TS told me to stop poking so I did. then supperskrech perm banned me from ts after telling me to stop "mass poking", so I said I just need help and told me to post an unban request so here i am now.


I was perm banned from the rust server because I called him a cheater, which is apparently disrespecting, but however if you look here, he did cheat: http://play.esea.net/users/542941?tab=history once a cheater, always a cheater. I then killed pickles a few times and when I killed him, I yelled "worldstar! worldstar! worldstar!". I also used the word fa**** a few times


I would love to be unbanned because I love HG! I worked too hard in HG to quit then come back a year later and get banned by an advisor who doesn't know me.


Steam ID's that got banned (they can't make unban requests because their forum accounts got deleted and cant use their emails because theyre already in use ) :


Mine: 0:1:17960540

teh_g: 0:1:256383

Few: 0:1:2209340



pls unban and pls respond.

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