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God Mode, Tf2


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Some players wanted to melee in the boxing area but were getting killed by other players using flamethrowers, etc. I went to the ring to observe and warn, but I was fried as soon as I entered. I tried !god , so I could observe without getting killed, but that's not the proper format. I read the admin guide when I frst became and admin a while ago, didnt see any mention of HOW to get god mode, just a warning about not abusing it. In hindsight, I could have gone spectate, but I didnt think of that at the time.

Edited by hfeacct
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Heres the rule about that boxing arena. If people legitimately want to go in the ring and box then people need to not interfere. But if you guys are just fucking around in the boxing arena then there's no need to tell people not to use their weapons in that area.


If two people want to box for items then you slay the people in the boxing arena that are using weapons. Simple as that.

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Godmode is restricted to higher ranked admins, due to yep, abuse..

The thing you should've done was to go spectate, gather proof/recordings and the rulebreakers steamID, then post it here https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php

I keep forgetting that admin mode on many servers is just a way to raise money. I was back on the same server and the same chaos was occuring. I went spectate, but unfortunately I PLAY not SPECTATE, so I guess there are tricks that I dont know. For example, when I spectate, I have to pick a person to spectate. That person gets fried and goes back to spawn. I have to then switch to console to try to figure out who killed the person I was using to specate or try to cycle through players to find someone who's still in the ring. By then, as I observed several times, people start to defend themselves or retaliate, and we end up with mass chaos. Based on digitalshot's reply. the rule about not shooting is not really a rule except for when players are gambling on the outcome. I guess, due to the years I spent in the military, I tend to forget that civvy regs arent necessarily adhered too, even by the people who are supposed to enforce them. Thanks to you both for taking the time to reply. I'll go back to playing and when there are people trolling the ring by shooting into the ring from outside, or just playing W+m1 pyro, and players are screaming for an admin to boot/ban someone, I'll let remind them that they need to be playing for items for no shooting to apply. Edited by hfeacct
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You can spectate in different styles by pressing your space button, you can then change between first-player look(normal), thirdplayer look(look at them from the angle you want) and last free look (look/move just as if you were noclipped.

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