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Unban Request


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1. Your in-game name: -=[Dual-Elites]=-

2. Server that you were banned on: [HG] 24/7 OFFICE NOOb Training Facility

3. The Banning admin: HG | DJ2 [C]

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:5303774

5. Reason for ban: Hacking?


I was just playing normally on the server, like I've done every day for the past couple of months. I wasn't using racism, I wasn't mic spamming, I wasn't doing anything that would violate the server rules. I was being accused of binding m/wheel to dual elites a while before the ban, but I don't do that, and if there is any way to prove that I don't, I will. But since that happened some time before I was banned, I don't think that would be the reason.


Since admin rules state that a warning must be given before a ban, unless the user is hacking, I can assume that was the reason. But I wasn't playing any better than I normally do. I wasn't getting headshots without aiming, I wasn't looking at walls where people were, and as far as I know, I wasn't doing anything at all that would make DJ2 believe I was hacking.


I play on the server regularly, and I imagine a number of other regulars can vouch for my legitimate play.

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Well, I could, but I don't like it. Since I use dual elites pretty much exclusively, I like having mouse button control... Either that, or I'm just too used to using the mouse button to shoot anything. The only thing I ever used m/wheel for was to knife in CoD4.

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Well dual elites don't have any recoil... the crosshair doesn't move at all when you fire. Unless you mean like bullet spread, which I always compensate for by aiming down, just like that AK if I'm "spraying"

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Thanks, at least that confirms the reason... What's really nagging at me is that I can't prove a thing. As a person who can't stand cheaters, it's a kick in the teeth to get a permanent ban slapped on me on the only server I play on.

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ok, here is the deal, I am not NEW to CSS dude, you are at a minimum using a script to fire the duals, second I saw the no recoil... when you buy a hack and use it you should ask what it looks like to others. You DO NOT aim down to compensate, I have watched you plenty, your crosshairs DO bounce erraticly, The duals have a HORRID bullet spread when firing that fast yet you manage to hit someone with 7 of 8 bullets you sprayed at them when I watched you on deathcam and then asked what your damage was to them. I have used binds for duals (mwup and dn) to fire the duals before cause it looked cool, but you can't hit shit with them firing that fast they are the most inaccurate weapon on the game when fired that fast.


anyway glhf go hack elsewhere.

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ok, here is the deal, I am not NEW to CSS dude, you are at a minimum using a script to fire the duals, second I saw the no recoil... when you buy a hack and use it you should ask what it looks like to others. You DO NOT aim down to compensate, I have watched you plenty, your crosshairs DO bounce erraticly, The duals have a HORRID bullet spread when firing that fast yet you manage to hit someone with 7 of 8 bullets you sprayed at them when I watched you on deathcam and then asked what your damage was to them. I have used binds for duals (mwup and dn) to fire the duals before cause it looked cool, but you can't hit shit with them firing that fast they are the most inaccurate weapon on the game when fired that fast.


anyway glhf go hack elsewhere.


I'm not going to call you a bad player, or a bad admin, because I have a lot of respect for you guys who run HG but you are wrong on all accounts. I'm not pissed while writing this, but a bit ticked by the attitude you have towards me. I keep trying to tell you that I don't script dualies. I've used dual elites as my primary weapon for years, and know how the recoil works, and how fast I need to shoot in most situations to hit something. There's even a guy in your clan who can fire dualies faster than me without a script. He broke his mouse button doing it. Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean someone else can't, I have a fast click rate, and if there's a site I can go to to prove that, point me in the right direction.

I'd like to see the demo you have of me where I supposedly hack, because I DO aim down to compensate at MEDIUM range. At close range, which I ALWAYS try to be in, there is no need to compensate any more than there is with the AK. You aim at the head, and no matter how fast you fire at point blank with ANY weapon, it's going to hit.


Bullet spread while firing continuously with the AK and the dual elites is similar at medium range, and much worse with dual elites at long range. I NEVER try to engage anyone at long range if I can help it, because yes, you can't hit a thing unless you're standing still, and then only with the first shot, the second shot spaced more than a second apart.

Dual elites is the most inaccurate weapon when fired that fast AT LONG RANGE. When you're all the way up against someone, the only accuracy you have to worry about is keeping your crosshair on the person you're aiming for.


It's sad that I've spent this long getting good with a weapon people don't tend to use just to get PERMANENTLY banned for it. I've spent who knows how many hours training with bots to pin down how fast I can fire from a distance and still be accurate, and if you really had been watching me plenty, you would know how much I really miss when spraying. That can't be avoided even with practice, but shooting faster eliminates some of the time between hits and misses. Getting lucky isn't a crime, but ask any of your Top 10 on this server, and they'll tell you how many clips I empty without hitting a thing when I'm caught at medium-long range.


I wouldn't bother writing a long reply if I was a cheating bastard. I'm writing it because I love the server, and I enjoy playing there with the people I've gotten used to hanging out with. I'm not an awesome player, I'm just good with one weapon, and if you want to get on a server with me I can show you how I use the dual elites, and that it has nothing to do with scripting or anti recoil.

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I was there when this happened


You did have some sort of a no recoil/no spread on

While watching you; you didnt aim down half the time you sprayed at chest area and just about every bullet was a hit

Yes i know spec removes recoil but u can still conclude from viewing you that you have a hack of some sort

The money you spent for your hack was the most useless use of money ever

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Donnie: The guy's name was pureAKmonster, but he's not on your roster, and after checking, I'm not so sure he ever was in HG, but the clan name was pure? At least he played on the server and shot faster than me :P


Anyway, it doesn't look like you guys will budge on the matter, and I understand. Even though I haven't done any of the things I'm being accused of, you guys are just trying to do what's best for the server, and I get that. I wouldn't put up with it, either, and you guys see a lot of it every day.


I wish I could prove somehow that I don't hack, or how much disdain I have for those who do, but there's just no way, and life isn't always fair. I had a lot of fun on the server throughout the years, and overall it's a great community you've got going there.


Anyway, test your click speed here: http://www.urban75.com/Mag/java7.html

Mine's around 74-78.


Guess that's it.

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