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reviewed Mr. Galaxy


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1. Abuser name: Mr. Galaxy

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_1:1:12246251

3. What server: CS:GO Jailbreak

4. About what time: In the past 30 minutes

5. PROOF: Attached

6. Please tell us about the incident: Slain a admin for no reason (he stated as reason that the admin shot the stack with a couple of guys that got tarped) and gagged murpel for 3 rounds since he wrote "assholes"... I even checked the past chat history of murpel and couldn't find anything that allows a 3 round gag..



Edited by omgWolf
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Didn't know Birdie was an admin, and I said sorry for it, and he said he didn't care. Profanity is against the rules, which is clearly stated in the MOTD.. He called a CT, and I quote "A motherfucker" along with a few other things, I warned him, and he continued.

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Just a thing, I killed myself in an LR because "the floor was slippery" and I said "you fuckers need to clean your floors i died because if that, assholes" even so there's no reason to gag me, as it was a joke and noone really cared. I have said these kind of things plenty of times over the time I have been on and noone else has done anything so i'd assume it's allowed. Also if profanity isn't allowed which is what you claimed then there should be a lot more gags than there currently is going around since I have been called plenty of names that contain profanity (as a joke of course.)


EDIT: Another thing I did not get a single warning about calling anyone anything.

Edited by murpel
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First off: I got a demo and I can upload it if needed.

Secondly: http://hellsgamers.gameme.com/player_histories/chat/5118942 I checked his chat. He only said the 2 things which he stated above

Third: I didn't create this report so your admin gets revoked, that won't happen I guess, I made it so you get aware of the rules. The rest is up to leadership, ask me for demo if needed

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I did give you a warning, and you said that after you were gagged. And as to Birdie, he did freekill one person, and free shoot me.

In voice chat he called someone a motherfucker, along with a few other things. And I warned him after that.

Edited by Mr.Galaxy
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http://hellsgamers.g...es/chat/5188816 Your chat history, as an admin it would be good to warn through private message admin chat so that the player will realize it if you did, but you did not warn me through chat and I did not hear you warn me through voice because i'm pretty sure you didn't warn me at all. I do see a couple messages saying "Warning" but there's nothing saying who you are addressing it to.


EDIT: Also if profanity is not allowed you should check your own chat logs because I can see some profane language being said by you yourself, therefore you would be breaking the rules as well.

Edited by murpel
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This seems to have got out of control quickly. First off before you do any admin commands on another player you are supposed to check whether they are admin by doing !who <playername>, if they are admin then you are not allowed to use any admin commands on them. Also nothing in the MOTD states that profanity is forbidden.

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