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approved Cs:s Scrim


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1. What clan or organization do you represent?

Easy Company (eC.)




2. Who will be your person of contact?

Me, you can contact me on steam: [email protected] or on our forums @ ecclan.net




3. What game do you want to challenge us in?

Counter-Strike: Source




4. When would you like to schedule the event?

Either March 14 sometime between 6pm est and 11pm est or March 15,16 anytime or next week same times. Friday between 6pm and 11pm and anytime Saturday and Sunday.




5. Anything you would like to tell us about your clan/organization?

We're a pretty small community and the we're just looking for a fun scrim since css is pretty much dead and theres not much to do anymore. We also won't be too good so don't expect too much lol

Edited by taraN
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