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Bullying In Dayz


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[Don't know if this should be here or in the Dayz one]


So... I was playing in SA on the team speak, with some guys, then I die and have to go eat . I come back in, and it seems some new person has joined, and he and his "team" are all in a firefight. I talk, tell em where I am, say stuff, and greeted with the 'STFU' sound by none other than LittleTommy, who I never had even met. I say some more stuff a bit later, like " i found a mosin compensator does anyone here have a mosin? I can take it for you" and what then "stfu we are doing something we have to listen"-LittleTommy. I don't even understand. His whole team is screaming and yelling, which cannot possible be a sign of them "listening". Ok. I stop talking. Then I die, and once again "STFUFUFUFU" by none other than LittleTommy. Ok. I think he's over it now that hes not in the firefight. So I get a good spawn - Svetlojarsk... and go to berenzino, where they are, to join them. He, the leader, talks about "an initiation" where he ends up force feeding me disinfectant, a whole bottle of it, and he doesn't even give me charcoal after that. I get mad. Then when I ask him why (after being shot by him multiple times) he says that because you were talking while we were in that firefight. Then he talks about how allong with senpai and rufus, I'm on his KOS list, because I'm sooooo annoying because of my high voice. Then, I poke him 5 times with the message "dick". He goes apeshit, tells an admin and gets me in trouble. Ok. This goes on, and I'm like, just let me join, don't be an ass, and he's still being a dick, and when I say how the firefight thing doesn't even matter, he's like "OMG WHY ARE YOU STILL TALKING ABOUT THIS". Some hours later, I go to the adviser, Zezima. I talk to him, and he goes to talk to Tom. Then, he sees the picture of me poking him 5 times, and he goes against me. Then he says that there were other people in my group that were advisers. I tell him that one of the advisors, (redusty) didn't do anything but play, and then he talks about me spamming to every advisor, even though I only asked one other one, who never answered (deadlock). In the end, nothing is done.

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