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What's Your Pet Peeve?


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Go ahead, air it out. Blow off a head of steam. It could be anything---game related, or not. I'm interested in what pisses other people off, so I can figure out if I'm normal...


Don't bother with hackers...we all hate them. Some easy examples:

  • Autosnipers in Deathmatch
  • Corner-bending latency kills .75 seconds AFTER you've ducked behind cover
  • Nothing but dust in the cereal box in the cabinet
  • People you hold a door for who don't say "thanks" or acknowledge your existence


Take it away...

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This is most likely going to sound weird but I hate it when people spell plz instead of please. A lot of my friends know that I try to learn English to a maximum level (as it is not my first language and I want to improve). I also hate when automated voices call you and are like: YOU'VE WON A FREE CRUISE TO HAWAII! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GIVE US YOUR FOUR SECURITY CODE DIGITES FROM YOUR CREDIT CARD! And when people always ask things from you but they never do anything for you or repay you. I hate when I'm texting a friend and they cut off the conversation mid-way... Or when they text you first but after you text back they never respond, LIKE WHY ARE YOU TEXTING ME IN THE FIRST PLACE?? (3 more so bare with me because I hate a lot of things). I hate when people judge someone when they don't even know them, I hate when I get made fun of because I'm silver 1 in cs:go *cough cough* I'm trying hard to not say the name :3 *Cough cough*. Last but the thing I hate the most... WHEN PEOPLE DON'T BELIEVE IN THE UNICORN ILLUMINATI AND THAT THEY WILL KILL ALL THE SQUIRRELS IN THE WORLD!!!!



The End

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  • When someone enters my room then leaves with out closing the door
  • When There is no food in the fridge
  • Joker
  • When someone messages me on steam then says nvm
  • spooky and raptors when they dont use there mic (even tho i do it)
  • CSGO when it crashes in the middle of a comp match
  • Joker

(dont worry about the joker part its an inside joke)

Edited by Joey7
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  1. when i get fked
  2. when i get freeshot
  3. when i get fked slayed/tlist and they ask wtf was that for
  4. when i hear useless hldj spam
  5. when i throw a nade and it gets stuck to teammate and i die
  6. when i cant bait people
  7. when i ask people to not to do it and they say well its not on motd
  8. when people dont use common sense
  9. when i get poked
  10. when i get asked for 10 man
  11. when i get steam msgs with hi red yo (useless convos)
  12. when people dont get to point and they think i care about their damn story which i dont
  13. when people drive speed limit or slow on fast lane when other lanes are empty
  14. when people change lanes without signal
  15. when people fuck up my order(food)
  16. when i m in line in c/o and someone in front of me pulls out check book/coupons
  17. thats all i can think of may be more but this should do it

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  1. when i get fked
  2. when i get freeshot
  3. when i get fked slayed/tlist and they ask wtf was that for
  4. when i hear useless hldj spam
  5. when i throw a nade and it gets stuck to teammate and i die
  6. when i cant bait people
  7. when i ask people to not to do it and they say well its not on motd
  8. when people dont use common sense
  9. when i get poked
  10. when i get asked for 10 man
  11. when i get steam msgs with hi red yo (useless convos)
  12. when people dont get to point and they think i care about their damn story which i dont
  13. when people drive speed limit or slow on fast lane when other lanes are empty
  14. when people change lanes without signal
  15. when people fuck up my order(food)
  16. when i m in line in c/o and someone in front of me pulls out check book/coupons
  17. thats all i can think of may be more but this should do it


you sound like a fun guy to hang out with

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When someone messages me on steam then says nvm

i did this to you today :P





And since I'm here I have to say mine.

-People who don't try to figure something out before asking

-People who don't think first

-People who get cocky and trash talk

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  • People dont look for bikers or pedestrians when driving.
  • Someone changes my music or songs around. or even pause it without my permisssion
  • Not closing doors when they leave
  • Not treating women right
  • Hypocrites
  • Racism(if it is a joke then it depends).
  • When people drag on conversations even if you are obviously not interested
  • Squeakers on mics in any game.
  • Those who say Warhammer 40,000 is a remake of Halo

Edited by Marshall Phoenyx
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DM Servers in CSGO

People who constantly repeat themselves

People who post nothing on FB that isn't related to weed

Sending game requests through FB

Asking me to like any of those stupid "like for heaven ignore if hell" stuff

People who walk SLOW through the hallways at school

When I'm driving and someone is getting angry that I'm going the speed limit and not 20 miles over it

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As of late, that happens at work almost daily:

People that cut other people off when talking.

Questions that are asked when the answer was just stated or is right in front of them.

People that insist on helping you when it just slows you down.


The most annoying to me is the people at the auto parts store that think they are smarter than you and insist you need some part other than the one I'm are asking for. No motherfucker, I don't care if you have some bullshit ASE certification, went to a Tech School, or you're dads, sisters, uncles, boyfriend worked on a car once, give me the damn part I'm asking for.

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