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Abuse Report Jesus-Hg


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1. Abuser name: Jesus-Hg

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:24845590

3. What sever: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 3:00 P.M.

5. PROOF: See Below

6. Please tell us your side of the story. It helps us understand what happened during this time.

A CT said go ONLY on MY command. So a T said Go and Jesus went. So I killed him and another guy who went. He slayed me and I just said ask me before you go doing something like that. Next couple of rounds go by and a CT says go to pool. Jesus says he wants a solitary day because he was "Free killed" by me. So he detours and I shoot him. Someone else ended up killing him I only shot him once but stopped because I didn't want another issue. Well he starts slapping me with damage as I am trying to kill rebel ts who are trying to kill me. I tell him to stop and he ends up slapping me to death and slapping another player bye accident. This isn't cool. If he would talk to me I'd consider slaying myself if I was wrong. But don't use admin powers on another admin. This is probably why regular admins don't get slap.







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I know its not that big of a deal but Jesus-Hg has been camping top of VIP after MANY people including me told him he can't do that. He's been here long enough to know you can't camp. There is applejuice at the top saying only last ct can camp. And there is Jesus saying go to top of VIP.




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'I only shot him once but stopped because I didn't want another issue. "- zcarp


What issue? i thought all your ideas with just and CORRECT, unless you don't think so.



my simple explanation at the start of all this bs:


-You killed 2 people for "moving"!

-Only 1 person moved actually (i think that was jesus)

-I asked you on admin chat why did you freekill

-You said to me that they moved (which they wernt)

-But actually only one of them moved, and you killed both of them and you didn't want to admit what you did was wrong

-I didn't even bother arguing any further

-Then i think you got slayed by jesus or that was earlier, dont remember.




Well that's what i "thought" happened,, i have no proof to back my post.


edit: i am not trying to be a "douche" zcarp, but don't make up bs about the free-slay that he gave you. Anything else that he did i have NO IDEA.

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The slay I'm not too pissed about and you're not a douche. It's the slapping that was bullshit. And the camping. Jesus doesn't do anything as admin unless HE is free killed. It's hard to control a server of 40 people. It's harder when you say as an admin don't camp, then another admin says ALL CTS CAMP! It's bullshit.

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- The only acceptable replies in the Abuse Reports forum will be between the one submitting the report, Staff or Council that resolve the report, and the person the report is filed on.


*Repercussions for Spamming this forum*


- 1st Offence: Warning via Post and PM.


- 2nd Offence: PM #2, Up to a 24 hour forum ban.


- 3rd Offence: Up to a week forum ban.


- 4th Offence: Demotion from HeLLsGamers. (HG | down to [HG], [HG] to -hg-, -hg- to [])




To Jesus: Your admin is gone for good. You should have learned when Lamp told you. You abused before and got your warning.


PS. It seems that your banned from weeman

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