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Self Ownage


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Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Hey... Kiri that son a bitch just banned me coz I said: You can't ban for 7 days moron

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Can you please talk to him?

HT | Master: nope u called him a bitch

HT | Master: gl getting unbbaned

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: I called him a moron

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: and he used another name , so I didn't know it was him.

HT | Master: Kiri that son a bitch just banned me coz I said

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Yeh.. I said that to you

HT | Master: then how do u know it is kiri?

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Coz he changed his name before he banned me

HT | Master: proof?

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Yeh

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Got a screenshot

HT | Master: what about a demo?

HT | Master: you could have been insulting him on the mic

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: He said to some dude: Next time I will ban you for 7 days, then I said: You can't ban for 7 days moron, then he said: actually i can, and then he said: wanna try it? then I didn't say anything and I was kicked and banned

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: I got widnesses

HT | Master: We don;t care about witnesses

HT | Master: they can't be trusted

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Well can you please just get me unbanned and I'll forget all this?


Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Can I make a ban report same place? Coz I got like 3 ppl to ban

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: I hope its only 15 min... For him

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Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Seriusly why don't you care more , one from your Clan just banned an innocent guy, One don't you do anything..? I mean if you hack and get banned I would make a report.. but

HT | Master: Have u made an unban report?

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: No.. I should make a ban report for Kiri and then wait to Homer or someone that cares a little more gets online and unban me

HT | Master: We don't unban in chat

HT | Master: This is how confusion happen

HT | Master: wait till homer gets on, gl getting him to talk

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: its very simple, unban me, ban Kiri

HT | Master: Lawl

HT | Master: I don't see the unban request...

HT | Master: Can you send me the link

HT | Master: i may have missed it

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: He's just a little kid abusing his Admin and banning coz he can't use words

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: What link? I did NOT write any report!

HT | Master: Still can't find that unban request...

HT | Master: Hmmm gusse ur just got catch hacking and want a unban ssince you don't want to make an unban request

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Well I did'nt have a name, but you DONT ban without warning coz of thatr

HT | Master: You ban a hacker on sight. And since you refuse to go and make a unban request, then you WONT get unban. It only take 5 min to ask for an unban

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: I can do it in less that 5 min

HT | Master: but since you wish to try and make people who don't know what happen unban you, you may not get unbaned

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Unban me?

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Took 5 secs

HT | Master: Where is the link?

HT | Master: I want to see it

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: http://www.hellsgamers.com

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: ?

HT | Master: don't see the thread


HT | Master: Okay when you make a unban request talk to me. Until; then this is going in the fourms for some epic lawls.

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: What is going in forums ? And wtf?

HT | Master: The chat

HT | Master: it is funny

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Dude don't do that!

HT | Master: since I gusse it is impossible to make a unban requst.

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Atleast cover my name!!

HT | Master: Nope

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: Then i'll sue you

HT | Master: Kk

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: HEY! Some HT Street guy called me a son of a bitch earlier!!!

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: You know what I'm gonna do?

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: The minute I get unbanned I'll bann Kiri :D

HT | Master: Gl

HT | Master: Because at this rate you wont get unbanned

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: DUDE Don't post this!!

HT | Master: Less talky and more making the unban request

HT | Master: Why?

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: If you post this... I'm going to send you a e-bomb with gay porn (that you like) then I'll send a perm shut down virus.. then I'll hunt you down and kick your ass

HT | Master: kk

HT | Master: i'll post this just for that

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: what's your e-mail btw..?

HT | Master: [email protected]

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: -.-

Frederik-Selling Wow EU Acount!: oh well nevermind.. cya tomorrow

HT | Master: Gl


Self ownage for not making a unban request

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