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Tf2 Jb Map Update!


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FINALLY! After many false starts (SORRY) and a bit of bug fixing, the TF2 JB Map has officially got the Deathrun portion added along with a few other bug fixes!


New to Version ba_jail_hellsgamers_tf2b6sk;

  • [ADDED] Deathrun. It's as close to the CS:GO variant as feasibly possible. One notable difference is the introduction of ramps where the exploding ladders are. Three spots of death are on each ramp. Lead chooses one of three, whoever triggers it gets blown up.
  • [FIXED] Dodge. You can go in it now.
  • [REVISED] Skybox Texture and lighting.
  • [REVISED] 3D Skybox.

Hope you all enjoy it. Now to CSS (on Monday.)

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While additions to any JB map are always nice, how much are people likely going to use them? It's not the lack of novelty or appeal, but the constraint of time per round that seems to not allow for as much usage of add-ons as expected. I especially remember that as the case for CS:GO; youthedog did a great job with his additions, but people wouldn't really even enter the "dog house" that often because the Ts would have to traverse a long distance just to get to something in there. The lead wasn't often capable of directing them there. Considering rebels and other distractions, I'm wondering if you've considered a quicker way to get people to where the lead wants them to go (not just TF2, but CS:S/CS:GO) when the only real option is just running there, which is easier said than done with the distinct minds of ~20 terrorists. Otherwise, new stuff will just have cobwebs for the most part.

Edited by RageQuit
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An update will be pushed within the next hour fixing some outstanding issues that appeared on the live server;


What's new in ba_jail_hellsgamers_tf2b7;

  • [REVISED] The mesh at deathrun has been replaced by glass. It's much easier to see through.
  • [REVISED] The punishment chamber for people who fail externally has been changed from metal to glass so guards can see into it.
  • [REVISED] Lighting has been ever so slightly dimmed again.
  • [OPTIMIZED] FPS. This was the biggest fix. People were reporting that in the main cell area, FPS was horrid. Upon further examination I confirmed that certain cards were affected worse than others. To combat this, areaportals have been reintroduced. I recorded at least a 2x improvement in FPS (Running a test gave a min FPS increase from 41 to 85 on max video settings.)
  • [OPTIMIZED] Fewer cubemaps. They've been given a revision and it seems 8-9 cubemap entities were not needed at all. These have been removed.

Some other bits and bobs were done as well, but were not really significant enough to get their own spotlight.


Hope you like it!


[spoiler=Pic 1]2014-04-14_00002.jpg



[spoiler=Pic 2]2014-04-14_00003.jpg



[spoiler=Pic 3]2014-04-14_00001.jpg


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