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Just To Let You Know


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So here's the deal...


OMG, I'm quitting smoking (cigarettes) I don't smoke pot. :-) Haha...


So...please...I need support from you guys! So, please give me advice and reassurance in this thread. Don't post stupid comments like, 'why the fuck would you do that?" or "fail thread"


This means a lot to me....I am doing it to be healthier...and I am also doing it for my boyfriend. If you don't know who that is...look at my picture and my signature. ;-)


That is it for now.


Thanks for reading!



OH! AAANNNDDD if you guys have facebook...you should totally add me! Message me in steam and I will give you my facebook link!!!


[HG] JessicaJoy | HsM

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Hopefully you can quit on the first try. My aunt has been trying for quite some time now and shes starting to finally get off them for good. Here is a link to a website that has some tips. Hope this helps some.




Thank you! I will bookmark that page. I called 1800QUITNOW. I will be receiving 2 weeks of free patches with a regular coach to see how things are going (All free of charge)

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Guest The_Monkey

My only advice is chew lots of gum, and use some breathing techniques. For instance, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. This can simulate the way you smoke a cigarette, and help you feel the bit of a head rush that comes with taking a toque.

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When my uncle quit smoking, (it was like 12 cigarettes a day). He would smoke 11 cigarettes a day and the nicotine gum on the 12th for one week, then the next week it was 10 cigarettes and 1 piece of gum, then 9 cigarettes and 1piece of gum.

He dropped one cigarettes every week or two weeks and he hasn't smokes or chewed the gum or used the patches in 6 months

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Try to understand and determine your triggers.

Many people habitually smoke after eating, there is also the "first smoke of the day" in the morning.


It is the same thing with drugs, food, alcohol. There are triggers that you subconsciously act upon that you have to spot.


There are going to be 1-2 weeks of moodiness that you have to consciously fight through. (most likely)

What you can do is when you buy a pack, take half out and soak them in water, destroy them and throw them away. (if you just throw them in the trash, you WILL get them out of the trash.)


Also determine your location triggers. Bar's are the worst, because smoke is present, and when drinking it just feels natural to be smoking too. Also determine your social triggers, as well as other triggers. (tv shows, your location, foods, drinks, etc.)


But that is the main thing, is determining the triggers. I found that I smoked a lot due to habit, and not actual nicotine addiction.

If you quit for a few days and slip up, don't take that as a "well I fell off my 5 days of being smoke free, I might as well finish this pack." With this mentality, you will start and stop many times, ultimatly sticking to the smoking.


Take one moment right before you light it, and think about it for a minute. "Why am I about to smoke? What will this solve?"

If people could actually see what smoking is doing to your guts and your blood, they would stop.

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I hear good things about Chantix, if you're not already (legitimately) prone to blowing your brains out.


But what Van/wikipedia said holds water. I smoke because I get bored. It came from having paid breaks at work, and a cigarette fit perfectly into the time frame I was given. If I wanted to, I would replace that with... pretty much anything else.

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I hear good things about Chantix, if you're not already (legitimately) prone to blowing your brains out.


But what Van/wikipedia said holds water. I smoke because I get bored. It came from having paid breaks at work, and a cigarette fit perfectly into the time frame I was given. If I wanted to, I would replace that with... pretty much anything else.






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