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Just To Let You Know


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Van loves copy pasta from Wikipedia.


Wikipedia can't hold me. ;)

Consciousness is a curse as much as it is a blessing.

Sometimes awareness sucks.


leave the newports to the brothers, smoke a red


I would say those are kind of equal on harshness and poison.

I started on newports, and was stuck with menthol.


Why not just smoke some unfiltered camels...pretty close to reds. :D

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Wikipedia can't hold me. ;)

Consciousness is a curse as much as it is a blessing.

Sometimes awareness sucks.




I would say those are kind of equal on harshness and poison.

I started on newports, and was stuck with menthol.


Why not just smoke some unfiltered camels...pretty close to reds. :D


There was a pretty awesome article on demographics that I'll probably be too lazy to look up for you guys. It covered cigarette brands by age, race, education level and income.


I smoke things with actual flavor.

(Camel Turkish * blend smoker here)

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I used to smoke cigars. I quit after 3 years. The patches and gum helped. believe me jess when you quit, you'll be happy. Thrillhouse stop pretending that smoking weed is cool. Don't do drugs kid.


In all honesty, cigarettes are more of a drug than marijuana is.

Don't let the man get you twisted Billy. The man will try to confuse you. :)


Cigarettes include chemicals to alter your DNA structure, and pass addiction and other issues to your children. Believe it.

Not to mention alter the way your body produces its own chemicals.

Edited by vandium
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I used to smoke cigars. I quit after 3 years. The patches and gum helped. believe me jess when you quit, you'll be happy. Thrillhouse stop pretending that smoking weed is cool. Don't do drugs kid.


So you must have been a box a week kinda guy??? If you were smoking decent cigars the nico levels are much much lower than cigarettes...

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In all honesty, cigarettes are more of a drug than marijuana is.

Don't let the man get you twisted Billy. The man will try to confuse you. :)


Cigarettes include chemicals to alter your DNA structure, and pass addiction and other issues to your children. Believe it.

Not to mention alter the way your body produces its own chemicals.


Yes they both are horrible tho. Do you think the government banned weed for no reason?

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Yes they both are horrible tho. Do you think the government banned weed for no reason?


Call me cynical, but I think it has a lot more to do with alcohol and tobacco being an established trade at the time the country was founded, and the gov't having to do a lot of work to establish taxation systems and sales regulations to facilitate its LEGAL use. Considering that alcohol has substantially worse long term effects than marijuana.


Probably not the thread for this, though. lol

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If you inhale you are sorta defeating the point of fine cigars, its sorta like wine tasting


Agreed. Bad habit, though. Especially considering you can't breathe properly or talk like a normal person if you go through a whole cigar. Or maybe it's because I can only find 3-5 dollar cigars without actually going to a smoke shop, and I stopped caring, considering the quality.

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