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Ban Details
Ban CategoryRegular Ban
  View Steam Community Profile for 1:31713955Subject Steam ID  Lookup other bans for 1:317139551:31713955
Subject Name  Lookup other bans for ChromemoriumChromemorium
By  Lookup other bans by 1:53472129HG | _iMPAKT [A]
Server (And Mod)  WebWeb
Datetime Added  (134mon 2wk 8h 2m ago)2014-11-17 09:00 PM
134mon 2wk 7h 59m ago | 2014-11-17 09:03 PM _iMPAKT changed ban duration from 2h [7200 seconds] to 5d [432000 seconds]
134mon 2wk 7h 59m ago | 2014-11-17 09:03 PM _iMPAKT approved ban
134mon 2wk 7h 58m ago | 2014-11-17 09:04 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by _iMPAKT
Friend of HG
Changed him name after false votekick & vote zlists.


Screenshots from console of the votekicks and zlists: http://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=149254
134mon 2wk 7h 54m ago | 2014-11-17 09:08 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by KokoFromFosters
Friend of HG
I changed my name because people kept on zlisting me and saying I was the vote kick abuser. Changing name's is not against the rules. The Zlist was a legitimate vote agains AnOrdinaryMentlegen because he destroyed my cade (in my own room) and stole all the props. Then I vote zlisted and votekicked him. OFC, I dont think you will believe or care because of the mob mentality of the server that convinced them I did it.
134mon 2wk 7h 53m ago | 2014-11-17 09:09 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by KokoFromFosters
Friend of HG
You can go ahead and ban me forever if you want though, I don't care. It was a cool server, but whatever.
134mon 2wk 7h 46m ago | 2014-11-17 09:16 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Wonderland
HG Member

So voting to kick multiple OTHER people with MASS RACISM/INSULTS is ok? you votekicked at least 7 total people with the n word.. jew.. curse words.. and the whole entire sorts.. and thats ok? be happy its not a perm ban
134mon 2wk 7h 22m ago | 2014-11-17 09:40 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by _iMPAKT
Friend of HG
Waiting on further logs from kigen
134mon 2wk 7h 9m ago | 2014-11-17 09:52 PM _iMPAKT locked thread
134mon 2wk 3h 34m ago | 2014-11-18 01:28 AM Kigen unlocked thread
134mon 2wk 3h 32m ago | 2014-11-18 01:30 AM Kigen changed ban duration from 5d [432000 seconds] to permanent [0 seconds]
134mon 2wk 3h 32m ago | 2014-11-18 01:30 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Kigen
Executive Council

Speak with me if you desire to be unbanned.
134mon 2wk 1h 40m ago | 2014-11-18 03:21 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by KokoFromFosters
Friend of HG
Kigen wrote:
Speak with me if you desire to be unbanned.

I desire to be unbanned.
134mon 2wk 1h 24m ago | 2014-11-18 03:38 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Kigen
Executive Council

So please tell me, why should you be unbanned after spamming 30 or so votekicks with racist and disrespectful things?
134mon 2wk 24m ago | 2014-11-18 04:38 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by KokoFromFosters
Friend of HG
Kigen wrote:
So please tell me, why should you be unbanned after spamming 30 or so votekicks with racist and disrespectful things?

Don't really have a reason. I can tell you why I did what I did though, even though its a flawed way of thinking that makes no sence, not even to me. First few votebans and the last few werent me. I saw Kahn being a retard with the votes and figured whatever, and made a fake votekick. Then later on, I got zlisted for making a shitty cade in the apple store with all the props. I got mad at AmusitingMentleGen and zlisted and votekicked him over and over with hurtful things. I was mad, not thinking rationally, and just wanted to cause as much damage as possible. Then I went on here, still steaming mad, and spewed some more.

So do I have a reason why I should be unbanned? Not really, I like the server, but what I have been accused of is mostly true (As I said, the first few and the last few were not me, but the large majority in the middle were me kicing the same one or two people out of spite because I was full of Garrysmod irrational gaming rage)

The end.
134mon 1wk 6d 23h 4m ago | 2014-11-18 05:58 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Kigen
Executive Council

For now the ban will stand, we may reconsider at a later date. But that will be a few months at least and also dependent on you still showing interest in being unbanned.
134mon 1wk 6d 23h 4m ago | 2014-11-18 05:58 AM Kigen locked thread

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