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Ban Details
This ban is not currently active.
It is disapproved. Disapproved    It has expired. Passed
Ban CategoryRegular Ban
  View Steam Community Profile for 0:44064657Subject Steam ID  Lookup other bans for 0:440646570:44064657
Subject Name  Lookup other bans for CharlieCharlie
By  Lookup other bans by 35611 Henry
Server (And Mod)  WebWeb
Datetime Added  (96mon 2wk 6d 21h 27m ago)2016-12-17 11:21 PM
Duration  (Inactive)  (Passed)2 hours
96mon 2wk 6d 21h 27m ago | 2016-12-17 11:21 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Henry
Friend of HG
https://i.gyazo.com/f500078a208c096c38cbfb78a51b0b6a.png (disrespecting mods/admins)
https://gyazo.com/9d14c9b7a46f9fabe4efe4a89936b1ef (spam pausing for no actual reason)
https://gyazo.com/6e2ac14c94e4bd87278f1b78ef7c25ef (shit talking me yet in his 3 previous bans hes been told to stop)
https://gyazo.com/e194e790df01592eb7eb9676748564d2 (bit more shit talk to me)
https://gyazo.com/745c8a4d422825b83f57178648273a4b (griefing/ghosting)
https://gyazo.com/19e138893190f337ed1e01f93ba8d32d (more shit talk to me)
https://gyazo.com/84418bdee80447e1492af7e43e403383 (more spam pausing from 3 days ago)

Hes been talking shit about me to archer in pm (archers told me)

fortis, archer, harle can all also confirm hes been shit talking me in ts for around 30 mins

sui warned him 2/3 days ago about everything and clearly hes still persisted

http://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=211306-ng-wraith - suis warning, charlies broken 4 rules , 1 being ghosting, another being spam pausing and unpausing, shit talking in 10 mans yet hes been warned and then telling people to shut the fuck up in ts (again which fortis and harle and archer can confirm as they were all in the ts chat at the time - https://gyazo.com/689cbf4a6a2cca218a8b854b70a246b9)
96mon 2wk 6d 20h 53m ago | 2016-12-17 11:55 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by epicgamercharchar1312[UK]
Friend of HG
1. That was from my last ban report.

2. devoniix was unpausing and I had said to my team that I was getting a sub before he joined, I guess he didn't know but my team knew that ace was coming (Ask ace, he didn't even have csgo started up yet)

3. That was taken out of context lmao, and wasn't even on our servers, it was on faceit. Not HG Related.

4. Same as above, there's no actual proof this was towards him (the second one wasn't lmao).

5. Again, taken before my last ban. That's digging up old screenshots trying to get me in trouble. It was jokingly and to a friend. Get the gameme logs to prove if this after the ban as they'd still be there. I changed my name to Icarus last night after the ban not wraith, but good try.

6. I put this after the round ended, bird dog said to go mid to B and then when we all died I copy and pasted it in the chat. Ask anyone on our team at the time (Bird dog, Kitty Cat, Shaun, Skys). It was after the round ended as I was kinda annoyed at the fact he called a strat and I was the only one who did it. Not ghosting or griefing as it didn't affect the round (round was over already).

7. Timestamp. 15/12. Sui warned me with my last chance yesterday, 16/12. Again, he's trying to bring up things in the past to try and get me banned. I'll admit this was towards him as it was a huge bait and even our team was saying what the fuck in teamspeak, but still out of context.

8. This was resolved at the time, our Garzilla joined our team being a bit trolly so it was 6v4 so I was pausing as the teams weren't fair and the game was being griefed, it was all sorted out however by Joe at the time.

With me "talking shit" As Sui says without proof its gonna be a he says vs she says. Archer says that he didn't say anything to Henry about me 'talking shit about him' and even denies me saying that.

Tbh I'm kinda sick of this drama rn, I'm legit trying to not break any rules or anything and still people are actively saying in teamspeak "you're going to get banned" and threatening me saying "I can get you banned right now if I want to" (As did Henry, as I assume he got tilted at me in the faceit or something hence him posting this).
96mon 2wk 6d 20h 21m ago | 2016-12-18 12:28 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Suicide
Friend of HG
My god you two are worse then a married couple.

Knock it offfffffffffffffff. Can't you guys just play games and behave.

If you guys spent half the time you do actually having fun rather then being so wrapped up in drama and grudges you'd probably be having a good time.
96mon 2wk 6d 20h 21m ago | 2016-12-18 12:28 AM Suicide locked thread
96mon 2wk 6d 20h 21m ago | 2016-12-18 12:28 AM Suicide disapproved ban

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