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Ban Details
This ban is not currently active.
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Ban CategoryRegular Ban
  View Steam Community Profile for 1:61791499Subject Steam ID  Lookup other bans for 1:617914991:61791499
Subject Name  Lookup other bans for ceiling fanceiling fan
By  Lookup other bans by 40840 Destroy
Server (And Mod)  WebWeb
Datetime Added  (87mon 3wk 3d 6h 3m ago)2017-08-22 06:09 AM
Duration  (Inactive)  (Passed)2 weeks
87mon 3wk 3d 6h 3m ago | 2017-08-22 06:09 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Destroy
HG Member

Racism/implied racism, disrespect/antagonizing me, threatening to leak personal information
87mon 3wk 3d 1h 33m ago | 2017-08-22 10:39 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by a human being
Friend of HG
Ok first for the racism I did not straight up say the n word but your rule on the "implied" racism I will admit I did break on a minor offense. Second, destroyer the harassment / disrespect I did not think that was even close to disrespect, it is the internet people say things like this all the time over games. And finally, I DO NOT understand how you jumped to the conclusion of me threatening to leak your "personal information" I DO NOT have it and the "information" I was talking about is your public YouTube channel. How is that personal information?
Yes I think I say some things about you that might of made you upset, but I get upset when you instantly gag me for singing on the microphone for 5 seconds. Yes, I did deserve a gag when I said "spell niger" that is implied racism on my part. If you felt like I harassed you in game chat why didn't you ask me to stop? I didn't know I was offending you and if you asked me I would've shut up and not said anything.
87mon 3wk 2d 23h 19m ago | 2017-08-22 12:53 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Scrubbubbles
HG Veteran

After looking over each video as well for the screenshots there a couple things I'd like to go over.

1) Yes, you did use implied racism. You're well aware of this rule since you've been playing on our servers, correct? Then why do it?
2) The first screen shot found here -- > https://i.imgur.com/KoB6zE4.png
-- "Destroyer this is why no one appreciates you"
-- "Literally hated by 95% of the server"
-- "extreme autist = destroyer"
Explain more about this ^
* You think this is just "I did not think that was even close to disrespect" card? What you're doing here is being disrespectful. I understand a bit of smack talking is alright and it slides. But, you took it too far saying the quotes I put above. You need to understand that our mods are volunteers and become mods to help keep the servers to follow by the communities rules / regulations.
3) I don't see much for the personal information. Youtube is a public website for everyone. What you post to the public is at your own risk. ( Don't worry about this part. )
4) You have a habit on mic spamming in game (ex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIxeCOw6EMI&feature=youtu.be ) Don't regard Dlyan's part -- we're here about you after all. Care to explain?

* This is not a perma ban.

Waiting on the user to repsond until the ban is handled.
87mon 3wk 2d 22h 35m ago | 2017-08-22 01:37 PM Scrubbubbles approved ban
87mon 3wk 2d 22h 35m ago | 2017-08-22 01:37 PM Scrubbubbles changed ban duration from 2h [7200 seconds] to permanent [0 seconds]
87mon 3wk 2d 17h 34m ago | 2017-08-22 06:38 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Adam Cole
Friend of HG
I would like to add that sharing pictures of what destroyer looks like irl and threatening to show the rest of the server falls under general rule 3. https://hellsgamers.com/guidelines.html

Although it doesn't take much to find it, it still should not just be thrown around. Especially in this case where you attempted to blackmail him so he would unmute you.
87mon 3wk 2d 14h 49m ago | 2017-08-22 09:23 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by a human being
Friend of HG
I will respond in depth when I get home in 30 minutes.
87mon 3wk 2d 13h 46m ago | 2017-08-22 10:26 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by a human being
Friend of HG
Okay, I am going to try and keep this rebuttal mostly about me and not destroyer to the best I can.
1) Yes this is implied racism on my part, I was trying to be funny because I was in teamspeak with 5 other people at the time and they were putting pressure on me to do it. Sorry if it upset anyone.

2) https://i.imgur.com/KoB6zE4.png The logs you linked are when it was in the heat of the moment, I was upset I was gagged for using the microphone for 5 seconds, as in another case there was a 10 year old kid SPEAKING A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE on the microphone for 5 minutes straight all while people were complaining about it and constantly asking for moderators to gag him. AFTER 10 different people asked for the mods to gag this user, dank_narre finally gagged him all while when I use my microphone for 5 SECONDS I get gagged because Destroyer does not like me, and the difference between those 2 scenarios is why I do not like Destroyer as a moderator, and thats why the insults were thrown at him. I do not think Destroyers is EVEN CLOSE to a good mod choice and I don't understand how he is a moderator but back to the point, this is not about him this is about me.

3) Not personal information, it is a public YouTube channel that he posted some zs content on. I don't understand how he thought I was threatening him.

4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIxeCOw6EMI&feature=youtu.be for christ sake this was the final 2 seconds before the map loaded, it didn't bother anyone I don't understand why this is a deal. If you guys are really that strict about playing something over the microphone for 2 SECONDS I really don't understand your argument behind that.

After all destroyer this is the internet buddy, if you really get offended by someone calling you a "retard" or "autist" I think you need to toughen up cupcake and most people would agree with me behind that. If you really don't want me to communicate with you or try and talk to you just ask me and I will not talk to you or ever mention you unless it directly affects me.

I hope you guys take this with serious consideration and I will respect whatever your decision is on this.
87mon 3wk 2d 13h 43m ago | 2017-08-22 10:29 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by a human being
Friend of HG
Double post sorry, was trying to make a revision
87mon 3wk 2d 11h 48m ago | 2017-08-23 12:24 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Scrubbubbles
HG Veteran

Reasons for being banned:
1) Implied racism. Being pressured to break one of the rules is no excuse for breaking them. Learn to take responsibility for your actions.

2) Just because other people are breaking the rules doesn't mean you have to break them as well. If you have a problem with any mods on the server contact any GMOD staff on steam / TS. You can always add the GMOD DL and speak to them directly as well.

3) Blackmailing / Harassment. You attempted to blackmail Destroyer by leaking his IRL videos in order to get ungagged.

4) Regardless on how long you did it AND on what part of the round it was / during a map change it's still marked as mic spam, even if it was just for a second. The video shown was just pure screeching ear rape coming from your end.

* Sum up: Your actions show in this report had lead us to extend the ban than we normally would of to a total of 2 weeks. This discussion was not made on my own, it was also reviewed and agreed on with the GMOD DL.

Take this time to reflect.
87mon 3wk 2d 9h 44m ago | 2017-08-23 02:28 AM Scrubbubbles changed ban duration from permanent [0 seconds] to 2wk [1209600 seconds]
87mon 1wk 6d 9h 5m ago | 2017-09-02 03:07 AM Adam Cole disapproved ban
87mon 1wk 6d 9h 3m ago | 2017-09-02 03:09 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Adam Cole
Friend of HG
Unbanned at the request of the victim.
87mon 1wk 6d 9h 3m ago | 2017-09-02 03:09 AM Adam Cole locked thread

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