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Ban Details
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It has expired. Passed
Ban CategoryRegular Ban
  View Steam Community Profile for 0:30351964Subject Steam ID  Lookup other bans for 0:303519640:30351964
Subject Name  Lookup other bans for FrozenStateFrozenState
By  Lookup other bans by 0:60281143[HG] $ilent
Server (And Mod)  GmodHGZS SERVER MOVED --> NEW IP:
Datetime Added  (46mon 5d 11h 22m ago)2020-11-01 05:04 AM
Duration  (Passed)2 hours
46mon 5d 11h 22m ago | 2020-11-01 05:04 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by [HG] $ilent
Consistant trolling/griefing
46mon 5d 11h 20m ago | 2020-11-01 05:06 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by FrozenState
Friend of HG
Banned for punching a prop? Ok... I was already zlocked on the map and slain before the round even began by other admins. This ban is uncalled for.
46mon 5d 10h 48m ago | 2020-11-01 05:38 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Silent.
HG Member

46mon 5d 10h 46m ago | 2020-11-01 05:40 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Silent.
HG Member

FrozenState wrote:
Banned for punching a prop? Ok... I was already zlocked on the map and slain before the round even began by other admins. This ban is uncalled for.


the map is OBJ_Enervation, the zlock is because he put all the props into the forcefield area where humans can not reach the props

During replay, someone had dropped a prop in FRONT of the forcefield area and Frozen State had punched the prop into the forcefield area.

You were not banned for just punching a prop, you were banned for throwing multiple props there and then committing the same general offense a second time around during replay.
46mon 5d 10h 33m ago | 2020-11-01 05:52 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by FrozenState
Friend of HG
How could have I "thrown" multiple props there if the zlocking function prevents me from actually picking up props?!? Seems sort of contradictory to me when you say that.

As far as to why I was initially throwing and punching props into the forcefield... There is a hurricane machine gun weapon just behind that forcefield that can be obtained if you throw props / grenades into the forcefield and the right angle and velocity. It seems unfair that not only did you zlock me, but proceed to slay and ban me at the next round start when I was already a zombie and couldn't do anything else.

If you don't want players to throw props into the forcefield area to get a weapon that spawns with the map, block the troublesome areas off as I've already suggested in the past. I've seen many players do the same throughout the years, yet they never were punished. Why does staff go out of their way to punish me for this?

You can't fault me for trying to obtain something part of the map. To top that all off... You never personally warned me in chat about how anything I was doing is wrong. You never explained why I was zlocked or slain. The first explanation of my punishments I received from you Silent is here and now.
46mon 5d 10h 17m ago | 2020-11-01 06:09 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Silent.
HG Member

As for everything I have just said, it still stands no matter what you have stated. You intentionally threw the props into an area where humans can not reach and it clearly was not to grab the hurricane that was behind the forcefield.

You were zlocked AFTER you threw the props inside so when you say
"How could have I "thrown" multiple props there if the zlocking function prevents me from actually picking up props?!? Seems sort of contradictory to me when you say that."
It literally makes zero sense. Just learn from this punishment and if you don't, you'll be banned longer.
46mon 5d 9h 48m ago | 2020-11-01 06:37 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by FrozenState
Friend of HG
Silent. wrote:
As for everything I have just said, it still stands no matter what you have stated.

When you say it like that, it seems like you didn't even bother or consider reading my response...

Yes, I was zlocked AFTER I threw props into the force field but that was during the FIRST round of the map. At the start of the replay round, you proceeded to slay and ban me when I started to punch props into the force field. I'll say this again hoping you or anyone else that sees these appeals from the administration actually reads it... Throughout both rounds, you never once mentioned or warned me that what I was doing was wrong. How should I know what I'm doing is bad or wrong if I didn't get any warnings about it? If I received a warning from you about it when I initially did it, I wouldn't have done it again the next round.

The chat history is all there and public, you or anyone else part of the administration can go look through it if you think I'm lying here.

At this rate there is only 30 minutes of my ban left, so I doubt that I'll get unbanned before then and there's really no point. I hope in the future you give players warnings via chat Silent before you go blindly zlocking / slaying / banning them.
46mon 4d 21h 45m ago | 2020-11-01 06:41 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Bmoney
Friend of HG
FrozenState wrote:
How should I know what I'm doing is bad or wrong if I didn't get any warnings about it? If I received a warning from you about it when I initially did it, I wouldn't have done it again the next round.

This isn't you're first offense. You were banned less than A WEEK AGO for a similar offense. Not to mention you were throwing props off the 2nd floor on the map right before this obj. The only reason why you weren't zlisted then was because someone put the wrong vote type.

You are a regular here and you should know the rules by now. Stop playing victim.
46mon 4d 14h 20m ago | 2020-11-02 02:06 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by FrozenState
Friend of HG
I was banned a week ago for preventing humans from progressing in the OBJ, which I admittingly did not contest and thought was valid. What I did in this situation did not impede the human's ability to proceed in the map... they are completely separate situations and should be treated as such.

You're right, I am a regular and I do know the rules. If this was a ban that I deserved, I wouldn't be here trying to prove my innocence. All I ask is for Silent, you, or anyone else part of the administration team to please explain to me which rule I broke at the time? Can anyone provide me that actual server rule that I broke? I'm not playing the victim, I am the victim here unless I get a valid explanation.

The fact is, Silent did not follow the admin rules (specifically rule 2 [2. Admins MUST warn a wrongdoer in ADMIN chat before punishing (except for hackers).]) and I was unfairly punished at the time. I may have been in the wrong, but that shouldn't excuse admins or mods just banning people with no warning or explanation given. There is a reason why that rule exists on the server, specifically for situations like this, and it wasn't followed at the time.

Listen... I don't want this to become an arguing match and I feel this appeal has gone on for too long than it already should have. I just want a valid explanation. If you fail to provide one, then I guess I have valid grounds to start a admin abuse claim against Silent.
46mon 4d 9h ago | 2020-11-02 07:26 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Timothy J. Burthstein
Friend of HG
it may be true that a warning was not given but, with your past history, you should of known that what you did is wrong. if a warning has to be given everytime anyone does something that sabotages or negatively effects their team, then they'd be able to continuously do so without getting punished. I ask you please refrain from doing these things again. next time might not end in your favor.
46mon 4d 8h 59m ago | 2020-11-02 07:26 AM Timothy J. Burthstein approved ban

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