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Ban Details
This ban is not currently active.
It is disapproved. Disapproved    It has expired. Passed
Ban CategoryRegular Ban
  View Steam Community Profile for 0:52677766Subject Steam ID  Lookup other bans for 0:526777660:52677766
Subject Name  Lookup other bans for StrafeStrafe
By  Lookup other bans by 8171 Suicide
Server (And Mod)  WebWeb
Datetime Added  (143mon 6d 13h 42m ago)2013-05-27 06:46 AM
Duration  (Inactive)  (Passed)4 days
143mon 6d 13h 42m ago | 2013-05-27 06:46 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Suicide
Friend of HG
He will never get the picture to stop trolling, ever.


Other steamID's (as per BonBon):
Posted by Bonbon here: http://hellsgamers.com/topic/72537-ts3-10man-servers/#entry414298

Nothing but a toxic player and a horrible ban history, if this doesn't warrant a perm well, I don't know what will.

(seeing as he's been perm'd plenty of times before).

Also, screenshots below show:

(1) Trolling
(2) Disrespect
(3) Strafe leaving 2 10mans because he wasn't on Aesopp's team, then immidiately joining the 10man after.

Thumbnail Thumbnail Thumbnail Thumbnail Thumbnail Thumbnail Thumbnail
143mon 6d 12h 54m ago | 2013-05-27 07:34 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by DeathShot
HG Veteran


Honestly, it seems like you just never learn.

Not only have you been banned before, you:

1. Get unbanned, then continue with the same attitude.
2. Have an extensive history not only on our servers, but across many communities.
3. Are a former member, and undoubtedly know how you should be acting on our servers.
4. Have ignored many warnings and chances given to you by leadership.

And yet, now here we are, with another huge ban report on you, and I don't see why more chances are in order.

Toxic, disrespectful, and overall troll players aren't generally tolerated on our servers - especially the 10man servers.


Banned, thank you for the report.
143mon 6d 12h 52m ago | 2013-05-27 07:36 AM DeathShot approved ban
143mon 6d 12h 52m ago | 2013-05-27 07:36 AM DeathShot changed ban duration from 2h [7200 seconds] to permanent [0 seconds]
143mon 6d 6h 31m ago | 2013-05-27 01:57 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Strafe
HG Member

See what I dont get is all of these screenshots are 1 sided, and I would like to respectfully defend my self one of those screenshots is extremely old "this idiot isnt even good you're making him good." I can support this because Kix is playing and Kix didn't even play yesterday but these other screenshots are extremely one sided, when I was saying that stuff to xXx the entire time he was instigating me and saying stuff that was "friendly banter" but he was instigating me, what I said was joking back to xxx also as far as "not being on aesopps team" I subbed out because I was extremely tired its my 21st birthday weekend and I was out drinking with friends and had to work a 9 hour shift yesterday so I needed to sleep because I hadn't yet the first time was because of that the second time I joined in my friend who I had been waiting for finally got to my house so I subbed out again, I really didn't even want to play I was talking to Kimzy the entire time but no one was there to sub so I did it so everyone else could enjoy and play. I don't think theres any problems with that and I am sorry.

and as far as the "my teams sucks cack." I said that because I am planning on joining cack.css with aesopp and kimzy it was a joke between the two of us I didn't mean it in a disrespectful manner at all.

This is a really 1 sided ban report when xXx clearly started it pull up the demo you'll see.

I know my history is bad but I didnt do anything to get this new ban, I knew I had this coming since I told suicide I was leaving his team and joining kimzy and aesopp's and so I knew he was going to get me banned after he just removed me from steam over the tournament team change.

I'm politely asking for someone higher up to re-evaluate this ban and dig deeper for better proof
143mon 6d 5h ago | 2013-05-27 03:29 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by FallenSnow
Friend of HG
This is dumb, especially since half these sceenshots don't make sense, this isn't a lot of proof, and you guys take the trolling way too serious...If that was the case then you should just ban everyone that 10mans cause once in awhile everyone talks shit
143mon 6d 4h 57m ago | 2013-05-27 03:32 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Strafe
HG Member

For anyone that doesn't know that's xXx the other person in 90% of these screenshots
143mon 6d 3h 48m ago | 2013-05-27 04:41 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by kimzy
HG Veteran

Okay my name is mentioned here so I feel obliged to post, remove my post if you must cause I don't wanna cause shit but I was involved so I do wanna say this :3

Seeing as xXx(fallensnow) posted on this ban report defending strafe it's obvious that the shit talking between both of them was nothing more than just friendly banter, and if anything (if they wouldnt have been cool) I would have said "triple x started the shit" cause if you'd pull up the demo's(and please do so) and check the chatlogs, strafe was talking to aesopp about joining team cack first ("check your steam pm's do you think thats a good idea?" etc) and only started replying to xxx's shit talking after a while saying "why is this shitty talking shit". The things happening in these screenshots happened on the first cpl_strike 10man yesterday, it must have been around 5 or 6 pm est. (pugmod 1)

For the subbing cause he "wasn't on aesopp's team" that's straight up people's imagination. I have been around for about 6 10mans yesterday and in several 10mans people kept leaving halfway in, or even after a few rounds. (I typed out in chat in the 2nd or 3rd 10man "dont play a 10man if you're only gonna play 2 rounds",cause that's how bad it was. my message being replied by kirk saying "word up") Strafe didn't even feel like playing but cause no one else wanted to sub he kept subbing back in whenever I begged him to, so people could keep playing their 10man.
On the 10man the screenshots come from, strafe said in teamspeak (cause scott joined for the first time in forever and wanted someone's spot when captain was already starting) "hey scott you can have my spot dude" jokingly. Scott thought he was being serious and took the spot, right before it went live strafe said "lol I wasn't being serious about you getting my spot!" but he didnt want to be a douche and gave scott the spot anyways. Strafe and I were talking on teamspeak not really paying attention to the 10man when someone (I believe Grim_*) came in the waiting room asking for a sub. You see in the chatlogs strafe says kimzy will go, I say strafe will go. I didnt feel like playing so after some jokingly arguing in ts strafe decided to just help the guy out and sub for him cause no one wanted to sub for him. The screenshots for strafe "subbing out" don't show anything punishable at all just him subbing in..As for the ready up but then not playing, that's cause he gave Scott his spot, as I said. Also, you can see on the screenshot he is subbing for the team aesopp is NOT on so that arguement "he doesnt wanna play cause he's not on aesopp's team" really doesn't make any sense.

As for the "my team sucks cack" obviously, our tournament teamname is cack and aesopp and I always use cack instead of cock now. Seeing as strafe wanted to join our team we were just joking around. As you can see I even posted "heynow." after he says it.

tbh yes he does have his history against him but if that was enough to keep him banned then no one should have unbanned him.. rebanning him now for basically nothing new, except for changing teams and pissing a few people off with that, is painfully injust.. There's nothing in this proof that justifies a new perm ban, so please be fair and re-evaluate his ban. :)

I don't have any proof myself cause I can't get the demo's but I am willing to watch all demo's from yesterday for you guys and give you ticks in those demo's so I can prove that my word is the truth.

I wish there was a tldr I could give you guys theehee :3
143mon 6d 1h 52m ago | 2013-05-27 06:37 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by DeathShot
HG Veteran

Addressing the problem with proof: there are not chat logs for 10mans, and sourcetv demos do not show chat at all. So, in these reports, the only proof that there is to really go off of is what is provided by the reporter and reportee.

Pending dL+ review, I'm out and not able to re-review until tomorrow.
143mon 6d 1h 51m ago | 2013-05-27 06:37 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Suicide
Friend of HG
It's not my place to decide whether this ban report sticks on him or not, but you guys are calling this "friendly banter".

What you guys don't realize is this happens EVERY game, if Strafe is losing he'll call someone shitty. For instance, whenever I'd kill him in a 10man, he'd say "Why do deagle sprays work for shitties but not me?" There are SO many instances of him saying this that I just don't have it screenshotted/recorded. Plus all the times he's called people "faggots" (yes people say it as jokes to friends which is fine, but he's called me it multiple times NOT as a joke).

You keep saying I'm trying to get you banned because you left my team, or because I removed you, or whatever reason. But you don't realize that some people NEVER want to even 10man because of the douchebag attitude you have. Your making 10mans uncomfortable for everyone and it's about time (atleast in my opinion) your taken away from them. Doesn't matter if what your saying was friendly banter or not (you probably just went in teamspeak to xXx and asked him to post for you saying it was a joke) you still have had plenty of chances to not do the shit you do yet you keep doing it, especially seeing as how long it's been going on. I wish 10man servers had chat logs, we probably wouldn't be having this conversation.

I have nothing against xXx or Kimzy, but I mean if a perm ban doesn't stick, I think a longer ban needs to, 1/2weeks/months. Honestly when one of you dL's reviews this, please checkout ALL the other links of past bans.
143mon 6d 21m ago | 2013-05-27 08:07 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by beast702
HG Veteran

It doesn't matter to me if you guys know that you guys are talking shit on each other and you guys are friends go fucking do it through steam, text, email whatever JUST FUCKING KEEP IT OUT OF THE FUCKING GAME. The reason for this is people will see it as you guys being idiots or being douchebags and it's really starting to irritate me that I have to keep dealing with this drama shit.

If you are going to play just fucking play the game its that fucking simple, since I know if reduce this or revoke this ban I know you will not learn from this right away I will keep the ban for 3 weeks.

If you haven't even slightly changed, and I will be watching you throughout that days/weeks, you will be gone for a long time until you actually change for the better.
143mon 6d 21m ago | 2013-05-27 08:07 PM beast702 locked thread
143mon 6d 21m ago | 2013-05-27 08:07 PM beast702 changed ban duration from permanent [0 seconds] to 3wk [1814400 seconds]
143mon 4d 14h 24m ago | 2013-05-29 06:04 AM beast702 changed ban duration from 3wk [1814400 seconds] to 5d [432000 seconds]
143mon 4d 14h 21m ago | 2013-05-29 06:07 AM beast702 changed ban duration from 5d [432000 seconds] to 4h [14400 seconds]
143mon 4d 14h 21m ago | 2013-05-29 06:07 AM beast702 changed ban duration from 4h [14400 seconds] to 4d [345600 seconds]
143mon 2d 14h 30m ago | 2013-05-31 05:58 AM beast702 disapproved ban

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