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Welcome to the HellsGamers Global Ban Review Center.

Here you can:

- Review your bans using the search below.

- Add evidence or comment on an open ban case review. (Only if it involves you or you were present)

- Submit a new Ban Request at the bottom of this page.

Search results for 16080 [x]
6 itemsShowing 1 to 6 of 6 results
ModCatSteam/UIDView full UIDsNameDatetime AddedDurationTime LeftExpand columnBy/Last Posted SortInfo
WebRegular Ban1:81502762dms51142mon 1wk 6d 7h 39m ago2hInactiveInactive       SBProDisapprovedLocked State
WebRegular Ban1:81502762dms51142mon 1wk 6d 7h 34m agoPermanentInfinity SBProApprovedLocked State
WebRegular Ban1:35790815Mr. Trolololol154mon 2wk 3d 22h 37m agoPermanentInfinity DIAMELOApprovedLocked State
WebRegular Ban0:60315355Stouf154mon 2wk 6d 18h 23m agoPermanentInfinity RageQuitApprovedLocked State
WebRegular Ban1:59641541AIRTON aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa154mon 2wk 6d 20h 44m ago2dPassedPassed       kimzyApprovedLocked State
WebRegular Ban1:59517298dEERboii155mon 1wk 6d 2h 37m agoPermanentInfinity RedDevil6193ApprovedLocked State