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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/23 in all areas

  1. Finally updating this thread.... So I don't powerlift anymore, instead I do something much more fun! Olympic Weightlifting! I'm currently working through an injury and coming back from taking a long break, so the weight on the bar is low. My previous PRs for Clean and Jerk and Snatch are 100kg and 80kg, respectively. My squat got up to 140kg, but I only ever did that once. Anyways, the videos above are just some of what I've been doing recently. Keeping it light and doing mostly form work. Anyways, that's my lifting update.
    1 point
  2. With the re release of our JB server, we need a new staff team to sort out the rule breakers. I'm excited to announce the opening of our moderator applications! Current Moderators: Kenji bramber BravoMan PayPay Panda Jankins Myes Apply here!
    1 point
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