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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/24 in all areas

  1. Man, I almost came to tears seeing this community again. I brought tears to my eyes to see people I played with 10 years ago retire from the community, and even fewer that are still Recruits, Members, Vets and so on. EXITE, ASCII, The Governor, Cosmic, Icon, Lemonade!, Shot, JJK, and Iron Chef. I miss y'all. All the jailbreak hours on CS:S and CS:GO... CS:S Iceworld.... a simpler time. Even seeing Homer, the founder of the community step down is insane to see, but after almost 20 years, I guess it was time. This community was a MASSIVE part of my childhood and teens. I love this community and I'll periodically come by and say hi. Until next time I love y'all, and you will all always have a place in my heart and mind.
    1 point
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