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[DDS]Drunk Bitch & MikeD


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1. Name: [DDS]Drunk Bitch & MikeD

2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:20213950 & N/A

3. Server: Serious RP

4. Reason: Douchebaggery


I went onto RP mod when I noticed that no admins were currently on. As soon as I joined, I no-clipped to do a quick check for prop blockers before heading to sleep. As I'm no clipping, I come across a roped money printer hanging from the ceiling. Before I could type anything, I get a "get out" in chat and "go the fuck away" on mic from Mike in his little base. I told him he can't have roped money printers and then proceeded to remove rope-based constraints. MikeD was also a gun dealer and not selling so I asked him politely to start selling. As I head out of his area, I noticed a prop blocked off doorway and his friend Drunk Bitch around. I decided I'd keep an eye on them and come back. I helped monkeyman dealing with a NLR breaker and then went to check back on them. They kept repeating over mic to "stop harassing them and to go away" (the more they said go away, the more suspicious I got about what they were doing). I kicked Drunk Bitch because he had a very disrespectful tone to his voice and so I could also finish checking out their base without hearing that shit over and over again.



After this I went back to the fountain. Just chillin' and watching someone (BlackyChan) make a disco ball, I see MikeD come out the corner of my eye as a his gun dealer model and he shoots me point blank right in the face while saying something over mic (couldn't make out what he said, kind of mumbled it)




Guys, if you're going to give someone attitude, give it to a CP or Thief and let the admins do their jobs. I'd recommend the ban be dropped to a day and for you both to show some respect when ya come back.

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