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New Batch of Hackers


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Well these days Name changer hackers r seen alot in servers, not new to many admins, but they were new to me, and may be to many others, so so i guess this info helps u to catch em.


First of all, u have to bind "status' command in console to get fast steam id, exa. bind s status, which binds "s" key to command "status".


then if u r in spectate and watching him in first person view, when u see a name press "s".




like here name was mcbain when i pressed "s", one is legit and one is hacker with steam id STEAM_0:1:35782295




same here chron, one legit one fake, same hacker same steam id STEAM_0:1:35782295




also here beat kids, one legit one hacker but same steam id STEAM_0:1:35782295.


demo if helps http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/v7/fffff.dem.


for admins there is number id in front of name which is #723 which stays same, so to observe him for recording demo type sm_observe #723 in console, record demo and then, sm_ban #723 5000 aimbot (5000 is only for paid admins cause they cant ban per.)


for non admins they can get steam id for ban report.


also to make sure u got the right steam id, copy the steam id and check it on game me logs here http://hellsgamers.gameme.com/search?q=&si=uniqueid&rc=all&x=35&y=7


put steam id there and search, select the player with according server, and check his aliases


for this guy looks like this




check names are all same date all almost same time, differ may be by seconds.


this thing works for me i hope works for u also.

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Nice work again Devil. Although I've yet to see an aimbotter/waller in Jailbreak, I'm sure I'll see one eventually :P


So even if I see a player using a name changer hack and not actually using any hax in-game, could I still ban them for the name changer hack?



sm_ban p3wnd00d 10080 "name changer hack"


and then make a report with proof like the kind of screenshots you've provided?

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Nice work again Devil. Although I've yet to see an aimbotter/waller in Jailbreak, I'm sure I'll see one eventually :P


So even if I see a player using a name changer hack and not actually using any hax in-game, could I still ban them for the name changer hack?



sm_ban p3wnd00d 10080 "name changer hack"


and then make a report with proof like the kind of screenshots you've provided?


there were 2 hackers in jb like these,


and yes u can ban for that reason also.

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i would not ban by name. You will most likely ban the wrong person, since the hacker is copying someone elses' name who is in the server.


go to console, type status and see what his "userid" is. It's a 3-dig number. You can see it in Red's screenshot.


then in console type sm_ban #123 0 namechanging where 123 is the userid and 0 is the time in minutes.


Thanks for creating this thread, Red!!

Edited by RedDevil6193
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Thanks for the thread Red!

go to console, type status and see what his "userid" is. It's a 3-dig number. You can see it in Red's screenshot.


then in console type sm_ban 123 0 namechanging where 123 is the userid and 0 is the time in minutes.


Ah but, Bort, you have to use the pound sign before the user ID number. If you don't, you would be banning the person with the numbers "123" in their name. Example: !ban #123 0 "Name Changer"

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you can also tell because theres a space after the quote on the real persons name there is no space, basically its not a hack it's % % after their name causes a blank character.


well lets say not hack but its might be a script where he changes name every 1-2 seconds, watch the demo, which makes hard to ban them then usually.


also almost every time name changers have aimbot on also. so i ll take it as part of hack which makes hard to ban.

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