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1. Abuser name:[HG] R3AP3R

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:12193095

3. What server:Jailbreak

4. About what time:Tues 21 13:43 GMT , Sun 26 Aug 17:40 GMT

5. PROOF:http://cloud.dloaded.com/o/503a5192a1973.dem 16200 tick , http://cloud.dloaded.com/o/503a55708afda.dem 22000 tick , http://cloud.dloaded.com/o/503a586a5f81d.dem at the very start

6. Please tell us about the incidents:26 Aug 17:40 GMT ( approx.)

So in the first demo we see reaper "hug" jarthus even though this is strictly not allowed. Reaper defends himself by saying it wasnt a bait it was a "hug".Hugging is just a way to bait an instigate mass rebellion and isnt allowed reaper isnt following admins guidelines by going out of his way to do this.the demo is taken from [HG] Contagion's point of view. I also have it on demo but contagion uploaded his first so didnt go to the trouble since its the exact same thing.


Second Demo: tues 21 Aug 13:43 GMT Approx.

At 22000 tick or so we see El Elephant take lead.I am a close to friend of El Elephants so he decided to hold a PerrythePlatypus appericiation day.Reaper then Disrespects me in chat and over voice. This was not pleasent for me and I don't think his behaviour would be very appealing to any new player joining the server. I believe it would just discourage people if anything.


Third Demo : At the begining of the The Third Demo Reaper Asks Israeli for a "hug" and enters the T designated area . Israeli declines Reapers Request but its goes to show that Jarthus and Dolan werent the only people he was trying to "hug"


Reapers antics have been going on for a while and they have not only affected me but other members of this Online Gaming Community.


Thanks alot for your Time

Yours Truly,


Edited by PerryThePlatypus
Adding another demo
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First of all i dont see any abuse.


How to make tlist reports read this https://hellsgamers.com/threads/74398-Guide-to-make-a-T-list-or-Un-tlist-report

I dont see the him go to a t and giving hug demo.

When you have on demo post tlist using that link.

1 st demo, he gave diff order and then changed and there were many fk because of confusion so he is tlisted for few days for it.





2 nd demo

seems you warned him, and if he does it again make a ban report.

How to make a ban report. https://hellsgamers.com/threads/74397-Guide-to-make-a-Ban-or-Blacklist-report


Also calling you name is not admin disrespect, its just regular disrespect.




3rd demo

Hug i dont see him go to stack of ts he is asking for them to come, so if ts come they are stupid.

Edited by RedDevil6193
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Thanks I Tlisted my self :P and again perry i appreciate that your on your toes and im very sadend that you cut in demo when i durped on the bar/door order where i slayed meh self so that was very dirty on your part so good try but thanks

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