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Will The Deathrun Motivation Button Be Returning?

Drew Horton

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I absolutely LOVED the first button in Deathrun, the one that brings the wall of death towards the Ts. It ensured that they would actually Deathrun, allowing me to not have to peek and get sniped, but in the new update it's been removed. Any plans to bring it back?

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Soooooo, heres what happened. It was never supposed to be added, I added it to the last update or two before I stopped mapping for jailbreak in Nov of last year, but I intended to remove it before I released the map. I removed it from the map but the update i made back then but it never got released because I stopped developing for the map. So now I have removed it.


Well that's a huge bummer, it's the best way to get people to actually do deathrun, otherwise they bunch up and won't go and CTs end up having to shoot to motivate. The button really pressed people into getting past the double double doors.

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Back in my day we didn't have these fancy buttons in deathrun, we used our guns like real men to assert our dominance over the prisoners, and force the fuckers to do the wardens bidding.


What if I'm a beta male and have an inability to assert my dominance over anybody

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