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reviewed Abuse Report


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1. Abuser name: Tibbers[Ѧļıêп§]

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_1:1:64704643

3. What server: CSGO JB

4. About what time: 5 minutes ago

5. PROOF: Screenies.

6. Please tell us about the incident: This admin, (I think he was mad because he got fkd last round, during a rebel, i accidentally fk him, slay myself immediatly, apologize hoping it wont pass there, problem is, he tlist me, i try to talk to him, but he just starts insulting me, calling me a retard, which i find very offensive, as i keep on typing he threatens me and keeps insulting me, i start talking on the mic and he starts mimicking me, i have accent and he started making fun of it, im no kid, and im not gonna start crying but it infuriates me that an admin which is supposed to set an example acts in such a way that everyone in the server feels the impotence of not being able to do anything, next round Havokx accidentally freeshoots him, and gets slayed and tlisted too, havokx ask why was he slayed and the answer was "you freeshot me mother fucker" this goes on and on, another admin intervenes and even ask him to stop disrespecting the other players, then after i desist fighting he gets in a fight with two other players, kick havokx one more time and starts muting people randomly, I am sorry i dont have a demo, but there is like 10 people in the server who can back me up: Oh just saw this, in one of the screenies, you can see that he kick a player called tickle monster and when another person asks why he was kicked he says i dont need to explain (chatbox)




# 2466 18 "Tibbers[Ѧļıêп§]" STEAM_1:1:64704643 56:59 87 0 active 80000


Even when i left the server he was fighting, my game crashed because of the alt + tab































I just rejoined the server and he is STILL ABUSING! he kicks TERRORIST because they chase him around and SHOOT HIM









Another admin had to wanr him that is was not a kickable offense in general chat!!!!




He banned Hav0kx for saying, This cts sucks lets fire them... "Promoting Fire"




Even in his last ban he has a comment, "why did you ban him for promoting fire for 120 mins?"



Edited by mccaincracker
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Ok first, was the player that you kicked for shooting you on T? or were you on CT and he was shooting you?


Next, please dont ask players not to disrespect then follow it up by calling the same players idiots...


Finally, why do you seem to be T-listing for such minor offences? Mistakes happen, roy even slayed himself and was still T-listed. I've warned you before to lay back on the admin finger and here we are yet again.

Just look at your T-list history



Are all 58 of those T-lists in less than a month really deserving of the T-list? I mean, they must not have done anything too severe for most of them not to have anything added to them.

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i admit most of them were minor but there not when there constantly done and try to provoke you for it. also why would roy shoot at the stack without a clrear shot. i know my history is not good but your being bias toward this matter really makes me think how people are favoring roy for a mistake which also contradicts the point of the ban and tlists in hg. meaning your siding with the guy that made a mistake to. like ive been told many times a mistake is a mistake. for havox he was constantly disrespecting me. i kicked him for the first couple of times then i banned him for keeping it up which makes roys statement false if he hasnt been truely watching. what i did to roy when i impersonated his voice or attempted is quite minor compared to when other people bag on people for no apparent reason. all i have to say if you still think im wrong revoke my admin.

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Hey, I was one of those kicked by Terry for "shooting while on the same team". We were all on Terrorist side and it was a dungeon warday. The other guy and I were both just running around in blue room shooting, and decided to fire our guns at Terry (Tibbers). I was then kicked, followed by the other guy.

(By the way, I'm not sure if he is supposed to banned while this is pending, but he is not.)

Edited by Camp
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I'm not being biased against you I'm only handling this report as I see it. From what I can see, you're T-listing players for the most minor rule breakings. Try looking at it from the other players' point of view. Do you think it's fair if you were to be T-listed for 1 freekill that you slayed yourself for? You cannot expect players not to get upset when they've been treated the way they were.


In the future, I ask that you give more warnings and be more lenient with players. Try to work with them and explain rules, don't just swing your banhammer around and not correct any behavior. That's how reports like these happen. Try to substitute a templock inplace of T-list when they do something less severe, but again don't misuse it as you have been told before.


If you continue to use your admin this way it may be revoked.


@camp, from what I understand you were asked to stop but yet you continued. Don't troll someone then be upset when they take action.


Reviewed thanks.

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