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Chicken Wings

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Chicken Wings last won the day on November 26 2014

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About Chicken Wings

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    Republic Fleet
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    TF2 Division
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Elite Member IV

Elite Member IV (8/10)



  1. Everyone hates you. Like for real, I brought you up in a TS channel and they were like "Ew persian isnt that guy the same as buk lau"
  2. i cry about my lost friends from these divisions evry nite i did with a very nice girl and i told you the story. you just don't remember
  3. #freechurch #freeslazenger #bringbackyouthedog #awwikdidnothingwrong #djiscool #allmyfriendsleft #ripcssmmobf3tf2 Shout out to the realest people Shortkid, Inc, Karma, Ragequit, and anyone who i cant think of right now RIP to those we have lost (digitalshot) and those who will be lost I've been in this clan for a long time. That blows my mind
  4. Don't want to understand this crentist shit, won't understand this crentist shit. I've seen so many people leave HG because they "no longer feel at home" or "don't want to be associated with the community." When I press them for what they mean by that they give some bull answer. Granted I know some people who leave for perfectly legitimate reasons (spoiler alert HG isn't perfect for everyone), but it seems like a bunch of people get together and leave and somehow feel it gives them some badge of honor. Life goes on. HG will die at some point, but it won't be a result of a bunch of immature people leaving.
  5. karma wtf i luv you but i cant accept this decision of yours. you are tearing this family apart with your decisions that go against christ.
  6. im glad the shitpost never ends
  7. star wars battlefront
  8. dont let your memes be dreams