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  • Interests
    Hardcore, Hardstyle, J-Core, Electro, Dubstep, Gabber, Deathmetal, Screamo

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  • Minecraft

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Flux's Achievements

Advanced Member II

Advanced Member II (4/10)



  1. Happy Birthday

  2. Congrats BigJ and Envision I made bronze like a bau5
  3. +1 Gangs are premade, being like henchman of villans. Like The Penguin, Ra's Al Ghul, The Joker, etc. Different bonuses for which you are affiliated with, as well as a different skin. And non-affiliated players will just be straight up criminals, with the orange jumpsuit.


  5. It blows. The one decent map I've seen in CS:GO Jailbreak looks like someone took a lego shit all over the place. And it always is so glitchy, and an admin needs to be there to fix it. But I'm sure it wouldn't be so bad for us, with our mapmakers and whatnot. Not that I'm supporting JB in CS:GO.....
  6. Flux

    Smite Thread!

    Yeah he really does, it's like he's on the moon or something. Astronaut Agni
  7. Flux

    Smite Thread!

    Agni sounds like such a boss, I wish I could play him effectively. But alas, I am doomed to smashing peoples faces in with things other then fireballs
  8. Flux

    Smite Thread!

    Do not worry, you shall learn the ways
  9. Flux

    Smite Thread!

    No big deal, I'm totally fine with showing people the ropes. I'm relatively new to Smite, but I've been playing LoL for over a year now and Dota 2 for a while as well. So if you wanna practice some I'm down
  10. Flux

    Smite Thread!

    I'm not sure who here actively plays Smite, so you should make yourself known! I think it would be great to play some premades, or just goof around together. My username is SirKnighclubbin, so feel free to add me, and post in this thread to make yourself known. My current favorites are Vamana and Guan Yu. I generally play DPS/Tank or DPS characters. Thanks, and I hope to play a few with you guys!
  11. Flux

    Well thanks! :D