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Friend of HG
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Friend of HG

Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. Melvinz

    reviewed Hacker

    Was playing some CS when I found this hacker in one of the servers. Do as you will. Also, can I please be removed from HG? Thanks. hacker.dem
  2. Lulz why so angry? I would suggest that you take an English 101 class before putting more money into your car. Upon watching another video recorded on your potato, it seems that your first gear is too long to be a K series tranny. My mistake.
  3. So you're doing runs in an ugly EG (albeit K series) on public roads. You, my friend, are an idiot.
  4. Hello, I just purchased admin but accidentally purchased it twice thinking that it didn't go through the first time. The payment is currently pending and I was wondering if I could have it canceled. Thanks.
  5. Be more active ya prick

  6. Evo X. Basic bolt ons and a tune from English. Puts down 365 WHP on the stock turbo. Soon to be 997 Turbo or E90 M owner. Just need to figure out which bank to rob.
  7. Happy birthday!

  8. Happy Birthday! :)

  9. Merci beaucoup! Let's play something some time. I'm in the JB server a lot. See you there?

  10. Merci beaucoup! See you in JB!

  11. Congrats! Nevodka!! Why you no play JB?