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    St.paul, MN
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    Football, Gaming

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  1. When I try to play jailbreak with my member tag on it switches me to spectate and says I'm still a recruit. An admin told me I need my forum title changed but it's a member title already.
  2. grats on the promotion bro. im glad i pointed out the console on all those, you will make a fine addition. -

  3. In-Game Name/Steam Name: Godzilla Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21966851 Reason: Ban Server Type CSS What Server were they on? Crackhouse Proof http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/r7/2012-08-03_00001.jpg Additional Proof http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/po/2012-08-03_00002.jpg Additional Comments? he didn't answer after warning him
  4. In-Game Name/Steam Name: Spyderg Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25886073 Reason: Ban Server Type CSS What Server were they on? Jailbreak Proof http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/ex/2012-07-17_00001.jpg Additional Proof http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/rc/2012-07-17_00002.jpg Additional Comments? I think the admins saw the first one and warned them then
  5. Phusion

    Giveaway Time!!!

    Gimmeh Dat GTA Babyyy
  6. 1. Name: whiteboy7thst 2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:29179860 3. Server: HG Jail 4. Reason: Racism 5. Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/hl/2012-05-24_00001.jpg 6. Comments:
  7. 1. Name: -hg- Phusion 2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:41150016 3. Server: All servers 4. Reason: Steam groups 5. Proof: Check Mah groups 6. Comments:
  8. Yeah, Wrong demo Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/70/aimbot.dem
  9. 1. Name: fezzik% % 2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:50632893 3. Server: Orange Tf2 4. Reason: Hacking 5. Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/dz/1.dem 9:42 PM - fezzik% %: wat u wunt 9:42 PM - -hg- Phusion: I didn't mean to frnd request you 9:42 PM - fezzik% %: Oh 9:42 PM - -hg- Phusion: Tried to get profile 9:42 PM - fezzik% %: kkkk 9:42 PM - fezzik% %: kkkkk 9:43 PM - -hg- Phusion: So u get banned for aimbotz 9:43 PM - fezzik% %: kkkkk 9:43 PM - -hg- Phusion: 9:43 PM - fezzik% %: no aimbot 9:43 PM - fezzik% %: btw 9:43 PM - -hg- Phusion: Uhh..... Really? 9:43 PM - fezzik% %: Yes 9:43 PM - fezzik% %: Really 9:43 PM - fezzik% %: Been playing since 07 9:43 PM - -hg- Phusion: What's with the Shaking? 9:43 PM - fezzik% %: Lag 9:43 PM - fezzik% %: Playing 9:43 PM - fezzik% %: From home country 9:44 PM - -hg- Phusion: Bad excuse is bad 9:44 PM - fezzik% %: Connect bad yes? 9:44 PM - fezzik% %: Sorry 9:44 PM - fezzik% %: For english 9:44 PM - -hg- Phusion: Such a bad excuse 9:45 PM - fezzik% %: kkkkkk wutever say 9:45 PM - -hg- Phusion: U get banned by mornin 9:45 PM - fezzik% %: kkkkkk fezzik% % has changed their name to fezzik72ca% %. fezzik72ca% % has changed their name to i don't tolerate hacking.% %. 9:52 PM - -hg- Phusion: I don't
  10. 1. Reddevil6193 2. TorchX 3. Jolle 4. Kevin 5. Phusion
  11. Phusion


    Name: ... WTF JUST HAPPENED? SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42473570 Reaon: aimbot Server: Crackhouse Proof: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/mp/6.dem Comments: What a dick
  12. She sort of acted like she had problems BuT she was like a misanthrope
  13. Post your Funny stories of using it in class, Mall, etc My Short story is when I was using it in class And some girl with mental problems started screaming and got sent to the office. xD Ahh, I'm a jerk