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General Jelly Jiggler

Friend of HG
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Friend of HG

Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. So not sure if right spot so if wrong feel free to move. So I only play CSS on the Jailbreak server and had a question about what is acceptable to say and talk about on the server and what isnt. So whenever I play it seems measures to ensure no racism is allowed is taken to ridiculous measures such as not being allowed to listen to rap that says the N word etc because it may offend someone. Yet at the same time its perfectly ok to call someone a fa**** or gay which is offensive to the LGBT community. Now I understand why saying something extremely racist is kickable/gag worthy/bannable but is playing music that says the N Word really racist? I've had plenty of African American co workers and friend and none of them have ever been offended by hearing the n word in rap etc. Yet I have had gay co workers, gay friends, and my boss is gay. And they were all offended by people saying fa**** as an insult to other people. Now hatred/bullying based on sexual orientation has led to a good number of teen suicides/ self harm yet its ok to openly insult this group of people in society yet such extreme measures are taken to make sure others arnt offended even if its something that doesnt offend the majority of said groups? I only ask this because second you play a rap song that is known to have the N word in it you are commanded to turn it off or muted (in some cases it was censored anyways so the n word cause bleeped) yet players and admins alike are calling each other fa****s over mic and text communication but its perfectly ok to do so? Now I'm not saying mute/kick/ban people for calling each other gay or saying fa**** but more get upset at people who are actually legitimately being racist or offensive and not people who are saying something like " My n***a" or playing music saying the N word in it. Also another point, when in jailbreak a T has the bomb and blows themselve up and the sound bit of "alalalala" plays how is that not considered racist in anyways? Because second you see a person killing themselves with a bomb to harm others and the sound bit of Alalala (A joke on terrorist screaming Allah Akbar before causing mass murder) you're going to assume that is a reference to people from the Middle East. Now how can you say rap featuring the N Word is offensive to the African American community yet poking fun at the Middle Eastern community by making it seem as though suicide bombing that kill hundreds and maiming even more isnt offensive at all? Just seems its a double standard that we need to make sure a certain group of people cannot be offended in anyway yet let another group of people be freely discriminated agaisnt. Thats just my humble opinion. /end rant.
  2. Progressive rock such as Pink Floyd or other classic rock such as The Beatles Old School rap, Biggie, Tupac, Ice Cube etc Jazz is alright Pretty much no country or techno.
  3. Imprisoned for smoking in the boys room Imprisoned for breaking rule 1 and 2 of Fight Club
  4. Custom Mauser 98k .270 WIN Remington 1100 12 gauge Semi Glock 21 .45 Mosin Nagant
  5. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Counter-Strike Source In-Game Name General Jelly Jiggler Location Topeka, KS How old are you? 19 Which server(s) of ours do you play on? CS Jailbreak How long have you been playing on our server(s)? Off and on for about 2 years What is your Steam ID / GUID? STEAM_0:0:25039634 Why do you want to join HG? About a year ago I was a member but quit playing cause was moving out and had to sell laptop to afford it and now I have one again. Admin said I needed to reapply All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? -- Any other information you want to include is welcome --
  6. I got my annual pass and I'm gonna love this beta, never been part of beta before . I'm hoping I get invited to the GW 2 beta
  7. The only issue with private servers is how laggy/buggy they are, unless you got thousands of players ponying up tons of donations and smart developers you arnt going to get a good running server. Also you need to redownload a lower patched version of WoW to play cause everytime a patch comes out you would need to re update the server which takes forever. And by the time you get to that level you'll probably get a cease and dissest or w/e they are from Blizzard.
  8. If anyone is on this server I'm a Blood Elf 85 Rogue, name is Herpderping if you wanna add, email is [email protected] if you wanna add my battlenet name, it would be cool to have some HG people to chat or play with.
  9. Can we have a set buffer time on how long T's have to freeze after order. A lot of times when lead dies and new one takes over, after freeze command CT's instantly kill any movers without giving them reasonable time to freeze. Not sure if its on MoTD yet but if it isnt then it should be to clear up any confusion. Also can there be a cap on wardays in a row? I've seen 10 armory war days in a row once and a lot of non HG members left the server during it, its ridiculous and uncreative. Also this is just a question I want some clarity on, are gay jokes allowed on joke days? Nothing really cruel but just fun lil jokes, I've heard yes and no before so want some clarity.
  10. I got the annual pass for WoW so I'm getting Diablo 3 for free on its release date, so I'll play, never played any other diablo though lol