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Weird Addeh

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  1. oHai, I found something that reminded me of you..for obvious reasons :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dolan


      It's so like me its creepy :D

    3. Weird Addeh

      Weird Addeh

      Hehe yeah i was browsing through and found this and was like, AMG DOLAN :o

    4. Dolan
  2. That is exactly why Diamelo made me admin Also, there are other people who are admins on the mg server but rarely play..id say go with someone who is on most of the time..maybe have people who actively play mg server and are trustworthy, vote for who?
  3. That's weird...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Weird Addeh
    3. N3FF


      nothing just wanted to complete ur sentence

    4. Weird Addeh

      Weird Addeh

      What you did there...I see it :D


  5. Party, Party, Party, Party! :D

  6. party harder \M/( - _ - )\m/

  7. Thank chuuu mistah Dolan :D

  8. You must have x-ray vision as well, my window is usually closed! :P

  9. now you know the power of children's telescopes!