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  1. I'm sorry I haven't been on, I've been in the hospital for a good month and a week now. haha..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CryMorePlease


      Kinda, I'm barely getting internet from the hospital.

    3. Reality


      Aw , get well soon!

    4. CryMorePlease


      Haha thanks man, I probably gotta finish my school work too when I get back.

  2. To be honest, the zombies should actually have an upper hand in the game. Hence, "Zombie Survival". I've had this type of experience before, without the suicide. If anything you can just make them waste all their bullets on you, and have them use up more points. This actually helps motivate a lot of us in the zombie team to keep attacking and win the round. Have them stack up, and go in all at once then. That's my perspective of it.
  3. One year anniversary in HG. Woo!

  4. I don't exactly think so, because even if it's much of a difference, the redeemer's cade won't really last that long in such a short time.
  5. Dubstep music channel on teamspeak plz.

  6. The next thing you'll know, you'll be watching yourself in real life too!
  7. Being absent in school really catches up to you..

    1. Snoopy :)

      Snoopy :)

      i hate missing school

      whenever I'm absent from school, there's always some major assignment at that same day that I have to make up


    2. CryMorePlease


      Yep, and then you didn't even study. Thats the worse feeling lol

  8. Strip clubs, and dollah bills.

  9. The whole point of this concept is to help medics actually do their healing. Many times, have I seen medics sit there and just heal the ones who don't need it, and yet many of those who do need it complain about them not being able to help them when they are in need of a heal or practically on the verge of turning. If anything you could make this as a perk in worth menu at the cost of 25 worths, so that it won't be as complicated as you might say it is. It'd probably tune down the negativity in the chat and the semi-micspamming. If that can't happen, I'm all ears for the pulsating/blinking percent health.
  10. That could work as well, but I think it'd work more if it was a type of passive ability for the med kit.
  11. Suggestion Arrow indicator for medic 1. It'll indicate that a certain human is in need of healing. 2. The arrow will be bright and will blink until you heal that person over 50%. 3. This concept will help the chat without the spamming and will let people read the chat without the repetitive "MEDIC. MEDIC. MEDIC WHERE ARE YOU?! I NEED A MEDIC. MEDIC WTF, YOU'RE SO BAD OMFG, WHERES THE MEDIC". 4. The less health a certain human has, the more the blinking will blink so it would prioritize the people who need the heal more. I have an example, even though it's bad. It's what I'd like to be implemented, but maybe with a different color and smaller arrow.
  12. Been really sick lately fml.