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k hawk

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  1. Only one comment on your profile?! I must fix this!

  2. i would like to join ign blood fiend
  3. +1 cops are always doing this
  4. k hawk

    reviewed Conkers Admin Abuse

    1. Abuser name: conkers atkins 2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:13762743 3. What server: gmod perp lite 4. About what time: 02/09 6 pm 5. PROOF: http://www.mediafire...af00lirl7vxya61 tick 67000 http://www.mediafire...1j8iadkvwx22ogq tick 125000 6. Please tell us about the incident conkers had a arrest warrent so i was called outside of nexus where he tried to taz him but he got in nekos car. so we tazzed her car and rammed him out. i proceeded to follow him but got run over by neko when she backed up. a medic proceeded to revive me. once i was revived i shot nekos car for running me over. conkers and neko were both taken down. i proceed to walk away and get slayed. didnt even know why i was slayed until i respawned in nexus. the 2nd demo is of conkers playing swat where he enters a room sees 2 unarmed people closes the door and shoots the gun behind the door not sure why.
  5. 1. Abuser name: bigjohn 2. Their Steam Id: 0:28716613 3. What server: gmod perp lite 4. About what time: sunday feb10 3:am 5. PROOF: http://www.mediafire.com/?t2n413cgretzbai tick 36000 6. Please tell us about the incident he throws at molitove at sky scraper and lucky who owns it see him do it and chases him to nexus and shoots him.then he revives himeself and kicks lucky saying he rdm. you have to go into drive mode and go outside nexus
  6. -hg- Clan Application [CSS/CS:GO] Division Counter-Strike Source Have you completed all required steps above? Yes In-Game Name k_hawk blood fiend Location waterloo ontario How old are you? 20 Which server(s) of ours do you play on? cs go jailbreak How long have you been playing on our server(s)? 4 years What is your Steam ID? STEAM_0:0:11699319 Why do you want to join HG? its a good community and ive been playing on the servers since i started playing css All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply)? ragequit Any other information you want to include is welcome -