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wow. the nostalgia is real
The Governor
just got featured on ifunny
nice which one!
the one where the tree is tipped over
Servo replied to topic's Swayze in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Trolling Pictures replied to topic's Swayze in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
computer broke so I'm sending it in to get it fixed hopefully i will be back on in a week
posted a picture on ifunny and a day later some guy screenshots it and posts it and gets featured -.- happened twice in a row
Dingletron replied to topic's Swayze in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
The Birdman replied to topic's Swayze in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
LazaHorse replied to topic's Swayze in General
Swayze replied to topic's Swayze in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
a topic posted Swayze in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
!giveplayer joker 100000
IM DRUNK so you owe me 120k rreo now
hahahaha ok when you do you want your rreo
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