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    Dubstep. Haters gunna hate. Deal with it.

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  1. That's a mad ting. I wish I could get that lucky. Thankfully I'm at the point where I can just fully kit myself after every death without a worry. The grind was rough. I wish I'd found some gear like that haha
  2. I went on a run on shorelines by myself as I occasionally do as my scav run previous to this was killed nearly instantly by another scav with a SKS. This time, with my PMC, a vepr, 5 AK 10-round mags, alpha container, glasses, beanie, mask, MB backpack, and a vest that is better than the scav vest, I head out into shorelines and find an AS VAL in a cabin that has two weapon containers in it. It's one of my favorite loot spots when I'm running alone as it's often un-looted and is where I've found an M4 in the past. Luck seems to be on my side with this AS VAL find. It has a single mag with no ammo, but I'm not worried as I know my trusty vepr will keep me protected. Next I head to the bus depot where I get shot by a bolt action shotgun from a scav and then had to like sprint away towards a house that has a gun locker and safe in it and what not. There I find lots of money-value stuff and I already had a ton of attachments and good loot on me, but then I think I hear some movement in the house before I looted the safe, so I closed the door before I did and looted it only to find more high-value items. I find a bandage with stops my bleeding from the bolt action shotgun from before. Then I heard tons of footsteps. There was a guy in the house and I was sat in the corner of the room just chilling and waiting while I heard a bunch of movement and searching. Then all of a sudden I'm being shot and I'm confused and then the door is instantly opened and I see the guy shooting at me so I put a bunch of AK bullets into him. At this point I'm really low on health: ~290 blood. I'm bleeding out fast after killing this little poo with a grach that had put in a good 6 or so bullets into my chest--Thank duck I was wearing a bullet proof vest with 9.2/40 armor remaining. I was suffering and ready to cry with my heart racing in my chest as I had NO medical supplies on me whatsoever. I searched the asshole's body to find nothing except mags for his shitty little grach that nearly killed me. I'm bleeding out quickly and in the span of me gripping my chest and then clearing the floor I'm on, I've already lost about 50 blood points, putting me around 240. I think I hear more movement or something but think "duck it" in my mind as I'm practically dead already and If I don't make a move now, I'll be dead meat anyways. I sprint outside of the home and run as much as I can, which is only about 50 meters, as I remember, and see, the small village on the lower elevation of the land. I run a little over there, in spite of hearing several gunshots coming from the same direction. I know my only extraction point is the Tunnel, which isn't too far at all from this little village, but there's no way I'm going to make it as I'm limping and losing blood at an exponential rate from my movements. I enter the small village and quickly enter the nearest house. I scavenge and search 3 bags: thank you painkillers. But painkillers wont be enough. I hear more gun shots and check my blood: 90. I move upstairs as gunshots rain down around in my vicinity: I'm scared shitless. Nonetheless I power through and look in the dark attic of the home where I find another bag: "I can't ducking believe it.." I think to myself as I find a 2-slot car medkit. Quickly, I patch myself up and catch my breath and lower my heart rate by about a single beat per minute, so it's still racing and I'm still panicking. With the amount of loot on me, I could easily sell most of it for over 200K and keep this badass AS VAL as a bonus, as well as mod my M4 and other weapons back in my stash. I watch the stairs constantly as I patch my self up as much as possible, putting my blood barely back over 200 as I was already at 60 blood when I'd found the medkit. I breathe and think "I guess now or never.." and quietly walk back downstairs before walking outside and breathing in the fresh, pixelated air while I look around cautiously and slowly stand up as I don't want to reopen my wounds: it would be the death of me. I look around with my trusty vepr in hand and walk in the backyard of the house before looking to the entrance in the fence that I'd came in: two players with nothing but hatchets--"Oh duck, that scared me, but nothing to worry about"--I was wrong. I shoot at one of them quickly, almost at reflex, but he doesn't go down as far as I can tell. Suddenly shots are returned from what must be a grach--I'm familiar with them by now thanks to the dickhead in the house before. I get behind a tiny pole like you see in the cartoons when there's a big ol' character behind this tiny, wooden, useless stick. I did this in a panic, but quickly come out of it and return fire--only a few bullets before I see bullet flashes and a small silhouette of another player up on the hill behind these two players--"Are they working together?" I scream in my bedroom like a little cutie and start sprinting like a mad man and realize that I'm once again bleeding as I'd taken more shots from these twats. I'm running and slowing down at that when I hear the sound of a blade cutting through the air behind me thanks to my sick HyperX Cloud headphones or whatever the duck they're called and turn to put bullets into this hatchet-wielding fuckass. I run out of ammo after 3 shots and reload, miss a few shots then hear the *click* *click* *click* as I'm prompted with the message "This gun is incompatible with 336TKM rounds" or whatever the hell that message is. "Wow.. I'm really fucked now, aren't I?"--I walk backwards, facing my assailant as I reload once more, thinking that this is the end and that my downfall was my own mistake of loading my magazines with the wrong kind of ammo. As soon as the gun is primed and ready, I unload, shooting over half of the ten-round clip and smirk a little as I see this demon-eyed hatchet-using dickhead drop to the ground. I turn around, not thinking of the other players, but rather just to GTFO. I start running, and running, and then--"Oh no.. I can't sprint anymore"--But then I see my stamina recharge and I give a little exhale of air out my nose as I realize that I'm an idiot, but this is not a time for laughter. I start running again, losing blood at a rapid pace with 1-2 players still on my ass and one of them for sure holding another firearm that could be used to kill me. I run for my life, giving brief breaks to regain the slightest bit of stamina before running again: the tunnel extraction site is in sight. That rhymed. I run, my eyes as wide as can be as I search my screen for any possible threats--"HOLY TWATMOUTH": Oh, just a bird. My heart hasn't raced like this since I last exercised--man I need to get back into shape. I am finally on the same elevation as the extraction point and am on the road in the midst of all of the abandoned vehicles in the blinding rays of the sun as I focus, not even bothering to look around me as I see a dead PMC on the floor next to a car--"I'm going to extract here or I'm never playing again." I check my blood as I limp onward: 30. I round the ambulance as I see the green timer of the extraction come up and crouch next to the van as I look dead ahead at the open world and the foot of the dead PMC. 3...2...1...0... Survived.
  3. If anyone wants to squad up in DayZ hit me up please

  4. I need help with Arma II and the Day Z mod if anyone wants to help.

  5. If anybody plays world of warships hit me up with that user k thanks

  6. Someone gift me PUBG and then I can play with you k thanks

    1. KB


      Yeah sure, just send me $40 and it'll be gifted your way

    2. A_Clever_Lemon


      You got it my guy. Thanks man. appreciate it


  7. I think I just deleted all of my images from my sd card and I hadn't even gotten to look at the 200+ pictures I just took and I've never felt this depressed in my life.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jxhn


      Good guy mason

    3. A_Clever_Lemon


      You're a legend. Thankfully I found the recovery software that came with it and got most of my pictures back. They all came back as SR2 files and I don't know how to convert them to .jpg. But thank you anyways imasonaz

    4. A_Clever_Lemon


      I mean if you know how to convert 2000+ images from SR2 to .jpeg that'd be great

  8. I think I'm back ladies and gentlemen.

  9. I saw that apple bottom jeans post on my profile and had a good laugh. :)

  10. Guess who's back bitches? It's the real Slim Shady.

  11. Mmm, You're Yummy! Been a while :P

  12. I want this game because God sent me a message through our thoughts saying: "You need to get this game to destroy all evil of the world, My Child! Go! Go and save us all!"
  13. He's not being a good admin by foul mouthing players and abusing his admin powers, Here are two screenshots of what he had said to me. Please take this serious and T-List possibly? Or removing Admin powers should show him a lesson Thank you, Your friend -Lemon